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Who I Can Help:

This page is to help those with serious probles or those with honest questions. I WILL NOT reply to a question that is obviously out of line or extremely explict in any way. In doing this I have time to help those who really are in need. I was formerly at GeoCities at Yahoo, but moved here to extend my page. A FAQ (frequently asked questions) page will soon be put up to help those with common questions. So, start sending your questions to! 11-1-01 I'm on, trying to help folks out! See if you can spot me with my "real" name! 6-21-02 Check out this web page for great, uplifting music! Music for Life! 11-1-02 This page will be updated soon, so look out for a much better looking page!!!

Other Advice Pages (Not endorsed).

These links
will be here
I promise!