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The material in this site was reproduced
for enjoyment, review and information
or educational purposes only,
not for any commercial gain.

The webmaster of this site does not
claim any copyright for the poems,
stories or midis or any other written
works in this website.

All materials are believed to be
of public domain, unless noted. Many are
texts that circulate freely on the net
without an acknowledged author.

Every effort is made to identify
the original author and attribute
appropriately. When this is not possible,
"Author Unknown" is noted.

If you are an author of any of the
graphics, written works or images
displayed on this site and wish for
it to be properly credited or removed,
please notify the Webmaster by e-mail
and it will be addressed promptly.


Heart's Path Homepage

Heart's Path Table Of Contents

This page created and maintained by Lanell ©2002
All rights reserved.