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Sherry ~ age 10- Ethan ~ age 7- Robbie ~ age 7

Timmy ~ age 5- Rebekah ~ age 4- Bethany ~ age 3

June 26, 2001~

June 27, 2001~

We finally received the check for the van today! They air expressed it to us and when the lady that brought it beeped her horn the kids ran out the door shouting "HOORAY!!!!" Timmy told her "thank you, thank you, thank you!" She got a kick out of the kids and said it really made her day to make them so happy : )

June 29, 2001~

I went to the police station to pick up a copy of the revised version of the accident report. I read it and was so furious ! The policeman that did the original report had told me that the county was outraged at him for the original report because it stated that the Dump Truck driver was going at a high rate of speed (which he WAS- fast enough to lay 197 feet of skid marks when he tried to stop!) and they wanted it ammended. It was ammended alright- ammended to the point where it lays no fault whatsoever on the County Driver! No speeding ticket, no reckless driving ticket, no ticket whatsoever!!! He is getting off scott free with an Atta-Boy on the county's part when he could have killed 10 people with his reckless behaviour!

July 6, 2001~

Well, we have had the money for another car for 9 days now but just can't seem to find a car... please pray that we will be able to find something suitable for 6 people that is reasonable!

July 24, 2001~

Its been a while since I've wrote any updates. Its been a pretty frustrating time for all of us! I have been having a lot of pain and have been having to go to the Chiropractor on a daily basis. (I was supposed to have been doing this from the beginning but it was next to impossible to get there!) We did finally find another van... we got it a month to the day after the accident. Have you ever tried to go exactly a month with no vehicle whatsoever? And no phone for half of that month? Try it sometime : ) Its a BIG lesson in frustration!!!! Just to get to the grocery store or to the bank or for my husband to get to work... UGHHHH!!!! I sincerely hope we NEVER have to go through all this again!

Anyway... we found another van similar to one that we had before the one that was smashed (it needs a transmission and is still in our driveway so my dh is using it for parts that the new one needed.)

I found out that the driver of the Dump Truck works at a local superstore that is open 24/7 and on a week night when I was there he was STILL working there at after 10:00 PM at night! I'll bet he went and got into a dump truck to drive it the next morning after being up half the night! How many people is he going to have to almost kill before he and the County get the message that he is playing with fire!! You cannot get into a vehicle that big and be safe when you are that tired! OK... I'll stop ranting now : )


This is the picture and article that was in the local newspaper the following day.


This is the seat where the children were sitting. A bunch of dirt flew in from the dump truck when it struck us in the side.

These photo's are not very good because I took a picture of a picture with a digital camera.

(For accident site only)