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Fill in the Blank

True or False



File Transfer Protocol C. FTP
Transfers a FrontPage web to a Web server A. Publish function
Applications that enable publishing via HTTP D. Server Extensions
HTTP port B. Port 80


Fill in the Blank

The publish function uses either __ or __ to upload files. FTP, HTTP
__ must be installed on a Web server to publish via HTTP. FrontPage Server Extensions
Three examples of common Web servers are __, __, and __. Internet Information Server, Netscape Enterprise Server, Apache
FrontPage's Publishing feature uses __ to publish (instead of __). HTTP, FTP


True or False

The only way to upload a FrontPage web to a Web server is to use FTP. False
FrontPage Server Extensions are only available for Microsoft Internet Information Server. False
The FrontPage Publish function can be launched from the Menu bar or from the Standard toolbar. True
You can publish a FrontPage 2000 web to a server running FrontPage 98 Extensions. True
You can publish a FrontPage web to a Web server that does not have a FrontPage Server Extensions installed (but you will not enjoy the benefit of FrontPage-specific features in your web). False