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tRiNi MuSiC BoY
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When i die and if heaven doesn't want me, taKe me straight to tRiNiDaD!!!...

Name: Stephen A.|tMb

Location: Queens, NY

Statz: tAken bY mY PriNceSS CandY | 06-15-2002

Interest: Music...juss luvin it |keyboards, tabla and drums.

ShouT OuTz to my krew from the RSAV band! and to my tRiNi, gT and West Indian people...much luv!


tO mY PriNceSS CandY:"you are who i and and i am who you are, combine together were one".

RIP DaddY...EternaL Musician.

Rupee - Temped to Touch ;)