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TRANQUILITY Tranquility Trekking


PIC#1 I have experienced a magical quest through the natural world. I have learned how to cure cancer and other illnesses with natural medicine, but I will not be able to use my knowledge of plant medicine to help people. People in this country believe toxic drugs are cures. I have thought about how this is a manifestation of our separation from the natural world. We shall overcome. -Stephen .

to 9 days (strenuous yet beautiful)

to 6 days (less strenous and beautiful)

Click on the Pic and take a look inside!

B. Trek

Hike 3-5 Days This is one of the most

C. (wuncupatee ancient ruins)



D. pumpa

Pic #10

E. cipampa hike

Pic#11(better version shown at the top of the page).

F. Laguna guy

This is a magical and mysterious place.. I will not put it's photograph here.

G. Laguna

Dear Mr. Raymond,
Cc: Members of The United States Congress
Our country remains overly dependent on oil, which has serious consequences ranging from rising gasoline prices that burden every American to global warming that threatens current and future generations. This addiction to oil represents a failed energy strategy, one that your company not only supports but has helped to develop. Sincerely, People who care!!

Tours of the valley maybe administered.


    H. .

PIC #13

PIC #14


    PIC #15

All the pictures on this site are for sale.



Ps. Please send any monetary donations possible

Official PayPal Seal

If you would like the founder of Tranquility Trekking to administer a hike for you