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Daily Diary

Saturday 28th
Thursday 26th
Wednesday 25th
Tuesday 24th
Monday 23th
Saturday 21th
Thursday 19th
Wednesday 18th



SATURDAY 28th 2000

11:45 and seven people have arrived! including Chole. Today the whole cast is due, and we even have a professional actress (Mr Francias's wife) Liz Francias!, to help guide us. 12:05 everyone is here all except for Carl Ward

Tick tock, tick tock... Carl arrives at 12:10. They went for a run through with the lights and they had all progressed greatly! Even Liz looked impressed! All most all of them managed to learn their lines! 12:55 We all take a 10 minute break whilst the directors get the feed back from Liz Francais. Tips are:

  • fall into characters more
  • Use games before hand for the excitment

    A dwarf, wizard and giants exercise helps ease the actors to perform with more umph and confidence. Within these two hours Lara has managed 'Grandma Lara of Theatre 48'! And slowly Adam Chidgzey falls for Liz, Mr Francais's Wife!! Oh-oh, here comes trouble.

    Lara suspends Gavin and Gary of Pocket Money. She keeps on dropping in and out of Conciasness spitting comments from the day before. We haven't seen any murders in Theatre484 yet but I think she's about to commit a crime! Watch your back Gary! Argh!... She keeps on catching Gary and Lauren cuddling up in the lighting box!

    With Laurens help Aimee gets to grips with the lighting without the disturbance of Gary.

    Sophie Smith is caught back stage holding James Lynch's big pencil (later to be reveled on the actual performance)! Lizzy goes back to Play Scheme so she can learn the basic skills of numeracy and the differance between 1 and 11 so she can come up to rehersals on time!

    Cast and Crew struck by epatitic fits when Lauren trys to work around the lights... If you call them the cast and crew decide Emma White is actually Skitsafranic as she turns up as Cheryl, Beryal and Meral.

    Luck of the Irish... Sophie Smith wins the worst sock of the week award! HAnnah Powell wins Battle with the office chair award. What a talented group we have, not forgeting strange! GAvin Weedon overhears conversation between Sam Hollis and Hannah Powell, Sam says "Adam Chidgzey, came to me complaining about Grungers trousers - so anyway I shagged him". Tut Tut.

  • By Wai Mon Lie



    THURSDAY 26th 2000

    12 noon strikes and only 14 people are here. Today is the first time all the actors and actresses have got together. No surprize Chole is late once again, we all wonder what her excuse will be this time! 2:05 and four more arrive. We're getting there slowly! 12:11 and everyone is finally here, including Chloe! We have been faxed this morning by Paul Thundercliffe and he has helped us pad up the script!

    We test out the lighting and music, thank god aimee isn't here to blow up the bulbs!

    A slight change of plan. The last 6 pages of the first quarter of the script has to be ripped out for a new end of the scene which will lengthen the scene itself. We all get into a circle and Chloe takes charge. We are all reading though the script with the added parts. With the new script a few people have new parts to play on top of their original characters.

    Set Designers all crack on. Ideas run though and are being scribbled down. They are planning ideas for the canvis! It is to be kept in the dark but so far, so good.

    Technical Crew All worry that are own clumsey Aimee will blow up bulbs! The sensible 3 all agree to read the manual and work out how the buttons and things work! Lets hope that nothing does blow up!

    By Wai Mon Lie



    WEDNESDAY 25th 2000

    2:00Set designers: Daniel Murrell, Dale Robinson, Daniel Burt, Mark Lane, Cristina Cappellaro, and Technical Crew: Aimee Nicolle, Crystal Kelly, James Davis, arrive. All prepare for a stright 2 hour down to work understanding of ethier costume or technical things. Chloe Blackman is LATE again for the second time! And trys to cover up by complementing the Designers!

    After the session last night we found that the first act is only 26 minutes and 8 seconds, when it needs to be 45 minutes. That means alterations need to be made, So improvements are being put into progress by the help of Paul Thundercliffe. We all have our fingers crossed for Gavin Weedon to have completed the whole play printed and pressed by Monday morning.

    Alot of pepole have been promoted!Lizzy is now taking over Lauren as Assistant stage manager. Lauren is now taking over Lara as Stage Manager. Lara and Gary are now Mr Thundercliffe's body! Lara's the belly and Gary's the head (or so Gary says).

    By Wai Mon Lie



    TUESDAY 24th 2000

    Once again for the 3rd time we get together. At three in the afternoon cast and crew arrive. All the main characters are together to practice the first quarter of the play. With the story line out in the open the play starts to take shape.

    I took a short interview with our main actor, Carl Ward, also known in the play as Gorden Bennett.
    How is the play going so far?
    It's starting to take shape I'm just finding it difficult to learn my lines.
    What do you think of the story line itself?
    It is good but also complicated.
    Do you think the idea of theatre484 all produced, directed, managed ect. by pupils will be good?
    Yeah, gives them a chance to try new things.
    Are you excited to see how the play turns out?
    Yeah definatley!

    Thumbs up for Carl Ward! We are all excited to see what the results will be...

    By Wai Mon Lie



    MONDAY 23th 2000

    With sunday off it was time for hard work. At ten to ten cast and crew arrived. A small group awaits for the rest of the cast. A Chole Blackman (Director) decides to turn up 55 minutes late, and even has the nerve to call the 2nd most important actor to arrive an hour and a half late! Word of the day 'LATE'.

    Carl Ward Plays the main role of Gorden Bennett. James Lynch plays his best mate Keith Baker. Hannah Powell plays Ruth Palmer the nasty villan. Sophie Smith plays a goodie goodie Beth. Kelly Simmonds plays stacey Allen the Joint Villan. Along side Tracy Stevens played by Kayleigh Reed.

    A 12 page script has been printed and that's only a quarter of the script! The exclusive story line of Theatre 484 was finally released out into the open!

    Gorden BennettThe story line goes from a man called Gorden Bennett, a lonely boy who has one friend Keith Baker. It plays Gorden's life! His ups and downs. A funny story line with a funny charicter!

    By Wai Mon Lie



    Saturday 21th 2000

    11:00am We're off to a disasterous start. Where were the teachers? No where "Persponed" we were told, but the determained crew carried on! A list of tweenty one jobs is needed to be done within five hours.

    Back stage A total mess. Everything is everywhere. Jane, Hannah and Lara get busy, very busy. Sound and Lighting box Crystal Kelly and Aimee Nicolle try to work out the 'Technical stuff'! buttons, wires, plugs everywhere! CDs, tapes you name it! All need to be cleared Changing rooms Wild costumes, bent wires, wacky shoes all need to be put away and Laura, Lindsay, Cara, Louise, Alyssa get to the job. Storage The boys have their chance to flex those muscles! boxes, chairs, carpenting, stage settings all need to be shifted and tided up. Gary, Tom, Sunny, and Alex can be the real men that they are. Production Assistants Single handed Lizzy puts her tea making skills to the test! de-lish. Assistant stage Manager gets bossy! Lauren orders the do's and dont's! Yes Miss! Writing Gavin Weedon our writer turns up and gets writing the play... Hard thoughts are just straining though his veins, what a concentration! 11:40 It seems as though the theatre's a bigger mess than it even started to look like! Argh, is this all going to be done in time?? fingers crossed! 11:50 Assistant Director Adam comes in to check out how we were all getting on. Even he says "What a mess"! 12:10 Things are starting to take shape. Just by watching you can see where the stress attacts are! Lets calm down Lara, Lauren, Aimee... 1:00 Lunch has been eaten and we are all ready to work again! We still have loads to do! And even I have to get moving. They need all the help they can get!

    1:45 All done!!! People start to go home, whilst some stay just to finish up!

    By Wai Mon Lie



    THURSDAY 19th 2000 3:30pm Hour 24 (460 to go)

    After a successful workshop, the writer and directors set about the omnious task of writing a 90 minute play. Lots of ideas were shared and it was agreed that there should be a basic element but a serious message. It was decided that the play would be built around one charicter, the hero, and tell the story of his life. It was felt that there should be some tragic development and that the charicter should have a big choice to make. The writer has until Sunday evening to finish the play.

    On Saturday, the crew will be in to ensure that the theatre is ready for the beginning of rehearsals on Monday. More details coming soon.

    By Paul Thundercliffe



    WEDNESDAY 18th 2000

    Everyone all tuned in - complete silence falls mumors echo theroom as information and letters are being given out . Shocked faces appear as people find out their times! Groups of names are called out ... The cast, crew ect. is made

    The group gather to form a theatre stage set. Actors and actresses get nervous as their drama skills begin to take place and shine! The audience analyse the professional skills. Ideas flow though as our '50 word storylines' decide to take place... live! in action, humor, sensitivity, seriousness and dramaticness ect. is all being reflected in just short scenes! What a play this is gonna be!

    By Wai Mon Lie

    With the new company gathered, we could see just how big a project and challenge this was going to be. Will we survive and put on an excellant play or will we end up looking silly? It all depends on EVERYONE to come in when they're called and to put MAXimum effort in to this. Letters and schedules were handed out, theatre484 had now begun.

    We had all writen down a 50 word storyline and our ideas were being improvised off the paper and into action. A wide selection of emotions were being shown, ideas compiled from years 7,8,9,10, & 11. As the Directors and Writer watched they jotted down notes to create the begining of !!!

    By Greg Marler

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    The Theatre 484 site is maintained by Gregory Marler of Gregweb -