
A brief history/ family / friends / other

¤ "Greetings friend! Ah, come to read about me, have you? I'm flattered." ¤
In the Beginning...

°My fledglinghood was a rather short and rocky experience. I was hatched in a small woodland near the west that was not populated by very many eyries. My father looked after me for the first few weeks; attending to feeding duties and so forth. But the time for me to leave the nest came very quickly.°

°I swiftly learned how to fly and hunt for myself. Eventually, as I entered sub-adult hood, the time to leave my homeland had grown quite close. The Western forest had began to grow stagnant and void of prey. So I left the woods to seek out other eyries and a new way of life.°

°During my travels, I happened upon a rainbow pelted eyriess by the name of Novhiriel. I was quite taken with her and gradually developed a puppy-love crush on the female. But my hopes of earning her affections were dashed, for she had loved another and only feelings of friendship for me. I was very upset by the whole matter, but my mind was quickly diverted by spruce new beginnings. I was indited into the clan territory Nov had grown up in. Clan Rashkae.°

°The clan offered me a brand new start on life. The woods were verdant, the clan members jovial, and the hunting plentiful. After only a few weeks there, I was still somewhat distraught over my love-loss. But a whimsical, purple jester soon came along to brighten my spirits. Wisteria


Wisteria is Static's beloved mate. He first became accquainted with her after she begged him for a game of aerial tag. He grew closer to Wisty than anyone in clan Rashkae and began to feel affections for her. After spending much time brooding over the prospect of settling down, he eventually worked out the courage to court Wisty. He could not have asked for a better eyriess. Wisty is kind, sweet, and understands his awry sense of humor. They are still happily mated to this day and Static is entirely devoted to her.

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