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"Hey, Mahret! Wait for me!" A young female comes tearing out of Hold, following her older brother, laughing and yelling ahead of her. She stops, too tired to follow, and wanders over to where the herdbeasts are kept.

"Aric, Mahret won't let me play with him." Aric smiled at the seven-Turn-old Tiazah. Her auburn hair was a mess, even though he knew Leesai must have spent awhile getting it combed. Her brown-green eyes looked like they were going to let forth a storm at any minute. Mahret was her older brother, and she tagged after him. He didn't really blame Mahret. Tiazah was more persistant than most little girls he knew. He knelt down to her level.

"I know Mahret doesn't want to play with you right now, but you know what? I know someone who has no one to play with, and they're feeling really lonely right now." She looked curious. "Who?" He whistled, and in from the field came a runnerbeast filly, newly trained, and perfect for someone Tiazah's size. She squealed in delight. He helped her up, and led them around the track at a sedate walk. It was a good thing the runnerbeast was so calm, Tiazah wasn't helping by giggling and bouncing up and down in the saddle. Aric was happy to take care of his brother's children, and teach them. Both were generally well mannered, but prone to snobbery around his own children, who didn't have the educational benefit that they had. But that was to be expected of children of Healers, who did spend their early years with parents. It was only now, when parents became Masters, that they were unable to watch over Tiazah and Mahret. Tiazah wasn't as strong a student, but she was literate to a certain degree. It was too bad that they saw only the occasional Harper, Aric would've liked to have the same education for his children. In the meantime, Tiazah and Mahret held themselves a little apart from the rest of the Hold.

"Aric? Can I keep the runnerbeast?" He smiled. "No dear, this runnerbeast belongs to someone else. That person only wanted me to train her, and soon I have to give her back. And her owner doesn't want to sell her" Tiazah looked sad, but thoughtful. Tiazah was a practical child in many ways. Eventually she should come around. She could be a fine Healer, or even Runnerbeast Trainer if she wanted.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Tiazah thought for a moment. "I wanna be a Dragonrider! I wanted to be a Harper, but Remone said I don't have the voice, and I don't have the patience." He chuckled. Tiazah didn't have a whole lot of patience with a lot of things. She was usually dancing or walking or running, and she couldn't sit still. Aric hoped she would grow out of that.

Several Years Later

Tiazah was sitting on a large rock overlooking the herdbeast pasture, waiting for a pregnant beast to go in labor. That was her job as an Apprentice to her uncle, and if it didn't give birth soon, she'd have to tell her uncle, and round them up before Thread came, like it was expected to the next afternoon. She sighed. She had already danced and sang around the herd, and was now out of energy, and only had the strength to watch the animals graze. She noticed out of the corner of her eyes that female herdbeast. She sure wasn't doing anything. Tiazah laid on her back looking out of the sky. She squinted, and saw something she never expected.

"ARIC!!!!!!" She yelled, tearing off towards the Holding. Aric met her halfway there. "What? Is the herdbeast birthing yet?" She shook her head. "No, look!" There in the sky was a blue dragon circling the Hold. It looked like it was coming closer. Just at that moment, the pregnant herdbeast gave a low moan. "Shards!" Aric yelled, and both he and Tiazah rushed to the herdbeast in labor. The blue dragon landed in the field, and the rider hopped off, with a questioning look towards Tiazah and Aric. "Not right now," She told the rider. "We have to make sure this beast is safe."

The herdbeast finally gave birth with the help of Tiazah and Aric, and they were back with the rest of the herd, when the two of them turned to the rider, who looked slightly uncomfortable. "My name is U'scu, and this is Zaynath." Tiazah held out her hand. "Nice to meet you." U'scu looked at her hand and shook his head. Tiazah looked at it, realized there was still birthing fluid on it and grinned. "Sorry about that. What can I do for you?" U'scu looked at Zaynath. "Well, the Queen Zaynath at Moon Shadow Weyr has just clutched. There are fifteen eggs, and well, Zaynath thinks that you would make a fine Candidate." Tiazah looked at him. "What? A... a... a Candidate?" U'scu nodded. She then looked at Aric. "Can I go?" Aric laughed. "What do you mean 'Can I go?' Of course you can! Now get out of here before I take a whip to you. You're going to be a Dragonrider!"

Tiazah looked quickly back and forth. "Do I have time to get anything?" She asked U'scu. Aric was the one who answered. "No, you silly girl. They'll have things for you, and if not, I'll bring some over with me. I'll tell your parents and Mahret too, if you'd like." "Would you? Alright..." Still nervous, and unable to believe this was happening to her, she got on behind U'scu. Zaynath turned his head back to her. It's alright little one. You'll be at the Weyr in no time.

The flight between was cold, and exhilerating. Tiazah sucked in her breath as she saw the huge Weyr in the distance. So many people! And so many dragons! No matter what happened at Hatching, this experience promised to change her life forever. She saw the eggs down in the sand, and realized with wonder that one of those eggs might contain a dragon meant for her.

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