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Traj and Kal's RPG Games


CATS meet Clue RPG

Complete RPG Character List

Morphing RPG
Refurbishing this RPG due to new ownership.

Future Jellicles
In this RPG, the Jellicles are living in the 21st century
and have to adapt to all the changes in the world.

Human Jellicles
These Jellicles are Jellicles with human lives.
They still have the forms of cats, but they live
and act like humans because there are no
humans where they live.

Jellicle Kittens
The Jellicles are younger now. The kittens from the
movie are newborns (Jemima, Etcetera, Victoria, Electra...).
The teens from the movie are kittens (Munkustrap, Demeter,
Bomb, Tugger...). The elders from the movie are teens
(Skimble, Jelly, Jenny, Bustopher...). The really old cats
from the movie are the elders, (Gus the Theatre Cat
and Old Deuteronomy). Remember, Munku and
them are young, so they won't be all lovy dovy.
Macavity is still a Jellicle at the time, so he's bad,
but not extremely bad.

Medieval Jellicles
This is when Jellicles lived during the time of
damsels in distress, knights in shining armor,
kings, queens, everything Medieval. They battle not
only the evil wizard Macavity, but his henchdragons as well.

Opposite Jellicles
This is when all the Jellicles act the
opposite way then they do in the video. For
example, Bomb and Tugger don't flirt, Etcetra is
calm, Jemima is bad...

Phantom Jellicles
This is a Cats crossover RPG. In it, you
play Jellicles cast in "Phantom of the Opera".

Salem Jellicles
This is around the 13th century.
The time when people believed in witches and if
they were caught, the witch and her black cat
would be burned. Picture the Jellicles as the
witches cats, trying to survive at this time.

Turning Jellicles
This is before the Jellicles turned
Jellicle. They are humans at this time and have
different personalities and names. For example,
Macavity can be nice.

Wild Jellicles
The Jellicle have been
magically transported to another world, a
jungle world, here they have to learn to
arouse their old hunting and survival senses
to live. They have met a native Jellicle
Tribe, which is helping them to adapt to their
new way of life.

Jellicles meet Cats
This RPG basically derives from an IM role-play
that a friend and I did where our Jellicles cats were
sitting in an actor's dressing room watching the show Cats
on the TV. They compared the show with how they
do things, costumes to fur, 'cats' to real Jellicles.
The Jellicles were also surprised to learn about
"Growltiger's Last Stand".

Production RPG
This RPG basically brings Cats casts,
past and present, together.

Halloween RPG
The Jellicles get to go
trick-or-treating. They wear costumes and go to
parties and just plain have fun.

Thanksgiving RPG
The Jellicles First Thanksgiving.
Ever wondered what it would be like for cats to
celebrate Thanksgiving? Well, you do know.
The Jellicles party and celebrate just like you and
I do in this RPG.

Christmas RPG
It's Christmas time, and what is
your Jellicle cat doing? Celebrating of course!
Here, you can play the Jellicles during a
Christmas party.

Jellicles at Disney
Two RPGs for this one.
You can either choose to be in a Disney film,
or have a choice to be at the theme park.

Disney Movie Jellicles
Disney Theme Park with Jellicles

