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Name: ¤Jing Zhou¤
Country: Canada
Birthday: 5/15/1990
Gender: Female

AIM: missjzhou

Member Since: 10/2/2004

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~~~Chinese @ Vancouver 604 Area~~~~
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Friday, June 03, 2005




I got lost going to the cafe & grill place!  but then i managed to find my way there anyways... i thought everyone already started without me  but then when I got there the drinks didn't even come yet, let alone the food. haha.. everything was quite... nuts yesterday.  

a few events I have to name:

1. bathroom incident ;)
2. karaoke thingy... ahh. the terrible singing<3 lol...
3. the raw food?? o.o
4. finding ryan & then the "Jacqueline! Is that your only guy friend?" Jacqueline replies, "We found him on the street!"  HAHA =)
5. who "someone" likes =)
6. the hugss *& the happy birthday for the wrong cake...
7. the talk with Diane
8. the piggback! ><" i was sooooo scared... was overall a wonderful day... jacquie!! enjoy the duckies *& colour the beanie  btw- i wanna watch saiyuki ^^

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Totally nuts! Went to Aberdeen @ Richmond w/ Jack, Fred, Sally, and Johnny then later Kenneth came. We took sticky pics and then we went to this bus stop at Yaohan to bus to nightmarket!  Nightmarket was soo crowded... didn't like that at all. It was sooo hard to get around. At around 11PM we left nightmarket. They went to go eat and I went home instead...  I wanted to go eat but I was scared I'd get into trouble so went home instead. Got home at 11:40 and I was so I had to wait for someone to open the door for me... bummer! It was a good day overall... but sooo tiring! sooo tired. It was really crappy since I left my keys w/ Sally Everything was sooo nuts?? iuno... you'd have to be there to get it

Sunday, May 29, 2005

HOLY CRAP36 PAGES OF QUESTIONS + NOTES TO STUDY FOR SCIENCE... not going to do anything today except for studying studying + more studying


Thursday, May 26, 2005

just a normal day like any other... nothing bad happened but feeling awfully iffy right now  but the bright side is that tomorrow i'm going to see the semi-awesome little princess<3  gosh i have soo much homework  mandarin 3 worksheets + study for test and math too!! the bad thing is that the math test is on everything in the whole grade 9 year... gonna be hard  oh wells... better go study jeezus... i hate school!


 feeling like i can't trust you anymore... feeling like i don't know you anymore... you're like a stranger.


hmm...  don't feel like doing my math yet...thinking about changing my layout again... this time there'll be no pink  but instead... blue&&teal??  does it sound okay...?? o.o suggestions?? ^^

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Monday, May 23, 2005

hmm... it was a prettty good day  haha... had brunch w/ family and then went to Jack's house after meeting up w/ lollie (guess whoooo)  at metro. She made cheesecake that was really too cheesy-ish ;/ yuck.  haha. but i ate a whole slice. we bought cake from the bakery too... fooling around for a bit then Johnny came and then Fred. we played truth + dare  it was fun but a bit brutal...  didn't get to see my little princess today cause i went to brunch and then she was grounded?


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Today was pretty good!  the day was uneventful throughout  like usual but then after school went to metro w/ lollie, jack, & fred. we were sitting around talking while jack + fred was eating at the food court then went to CHQ. fred is sooo good at DDR  we played this red, blue, green game thing at CHQ using the quarters we won at the quarter machine thingy haha... soo skilled  then took sticky pics and went home... pretty good day... had fun! =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

today was yet an uneventful day... nothing happened much. except cathy baked cookies in class and then i took one and it's soo cute && yummy! haha... wait... uneventful?? hm... i think not. something happened today. very funny but also bad cause it was sooo tiring and scary!  but it ended pretty good... lol. in computer class i screwed up annie's timed writing... SORRY ANNIE! =(  alls well ends well though... today was overall pretty good! ended fably except i want to go runnign right now??  sooo weird...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Does anybody feel the same?
Can anybody see or feel my pain?
I had to get away
Don't tell me
How dumb and irresponsible I became
I don't wanna be resentful
Of things I didn't do

It's getting late out
It's getting cold
Take me anywhere- I'm so alone
I couldn't do
What I was told
Don't hold my hand
I can make it on my own

My mother told me not to curse
From what I did
That wasn't the worst
Someone's always watching my every move
Like there's something
I've always gotta prove
Well I'm young
Does that make me stupid?
Oh, can you hear me now?

Repeat Chorus

I'm tired but I'm waiting for an answer
Can someone show me where I belong
I cannot rest until I get what I need
I've never been religious
But I want to believe

Repeat Chorus

i'm sooo happy<3 ^^ cindy helped me translate my creepy dream and then tomorrow i'm going to see my wonderful semi-cool little princess<3 lol... jkings ;D you're the best! ;) you know who you are... i haven't seen you in sooo long =(  today was a pretty good day i suppose but sooo unproductive-ish haha and i was going to do homework too?? yeeaaaaahh right lol... mmm... being sick sucks =( sooo sadd... -sigh- today i went to jacqueline's to work on the radio play and then amy and i walked from her house to cathy house but it was closed??  geezus! it was all uphill too!! and then laddy daddy la... skip the rest. too tired to type >< g'nights<3

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