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Hi I'm Michelle N. Seranilla. I'm the person who write this file. I'm glad that you have discover this file and I hope that we could get along and became friends! If you want to see me click the next page and there you will see my picture. And if you are not satisfied you could call me and see me in person and I would be pleasure to meet you! By the way If you are not that satisfied to see me in person you could call me in this number 446-21-03 and maybe we could get along. I'm 16 years old studying at UBHS. I like people who make me smile, laugh and most of all he/she could get along to my funny and wonderful life. I don't like people who are plastic, "mayabang" and no sense of humor. My hobbies are reading pocket book collecting posters and picture of my crushes. I was born on August 6, 1987 and my zodiac sign is Leo. They say Leo is a kind of sign who has a golden heart and you could get along with them. They are also loyal when it comes to there feelings to the person they love and specially to there friends. Well I wish you could read this and you could be happy to find cool and fine to be your friend. Have a nice day and hope to chat with you soon!!!