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The Ring:written by Lisa R.

Chapter One

Christine was born on December 25, 1860. She was the daughter of a Volin player, whom she called “Daddy Daee” and her mother Elizabeth, whom was a housewife and singer. She had quit singing when she found out she was pregnant with Christine.

When Christine was the age of three years old. She was interested in all the music she heard. Her father always said “She has a wonderful taste in music”, and her mother truly believed that she did.

Daddy Daee always liked to help Christine was her music. She loved it. “Dear child, you are a wonderful singer.” he prasied.

“Thank you, Papa.I love the music you play. You have a way with music.” Christine was truly right. Daddy Daee played the most beautiful songs on his volin. He wasn’t no one famous in the world, but Christine really believed that one day, he’ll be a famous volin player.

The worst day of her life was when her mother died. Her mother was very sick. She was bleeding inside her body. Christine’s mother died when she was six years old. “Papa, I can’t believe mother is gone.” she cried.

“You will always have her inside your heart. Think of her whenever you sing. She wanted you to be a famous opera singer oneday.” Christine smiled through her tears when she thought about becoming a famous singer. When her mother died, Daddy Daee began talking about the angel of music. “When I died Christine, The Angel of Music will come to you.” he said.

“Papa, I will miss you when you’re gone.” she cried.

“I will always be with you, and the Angel of Music will always be by your side.” he said . Christine smiled at him, when he said something about the angel of music. The Angel of Music was everything she talked about. She imagine that the Angel of Music was a very handsome man of his late years. She was in love with him . She wondered, “How long would it be intil he came.”

Chapter Two

Years later, Daddy Daee became a famous volin player. Christine was so very happy for her father.

One day, Christine was on the beach, and her sharf flew away from her and went into the ocean. Then suddenly this young boy went into the ocean and saved her sharf. The young boy came up to her. “I saved your sharf.” he said.

“Thank you.” she smiled. “I thought I had lost it.” she smiled

“You’re very welcomed. By the way, what’s your name?” he asked her.

“My name is Christine Daee, and what’s yours?” she asked.

“My name is Raoul de Chagny.” Christine was so amazed by this young boy. He was so handsome. He had black hair and he was very tall.

Christine and Raoul became good friends.

Christine and Raoul went everywhere together. They were great friends, but oneday, Raoul said, “He was going away.” They were only twelve when he left. The day he left, Christine said her goodbyes.

“Raoul, my dear friend, I’ll miss you.” she cried.

“And I’ll miss you, Miss Christine Daee.” He hugged her and they both departed.

Christine went everywhere was her father. On the day of her sixteenth birthday, she noticed that he was coughing. She worried about him all the time, because he was getting older. “Papa, are you alright?” she asked him.

“I’m alright. I just have a bad cold.” he replied.

“I hope you are, Papa.” Daddy Daee was showing his age now . He was Fifty-Six years old.

Christine really thought Daddy Daee was getting sick. She wanted him to go see a doctor, because he didn’t look good. She was so very worried about him.

“Daughter, I’m fine.” he always said.

“Papa,You don’t look fine.” she replied thinking of her father. She cared for him so much. She didn’t want to lose him.

“It’s just a bad cold , sweetheart. It will be gone in a couple of days". But the cold wasn’t gone. Daddy Daee was sick in bed for a week. He got better from the cold. He wanted Christine to sing, while he played the volin.

“Papa, that’s the most wonderful news, I’ve ever heard.” she smiled.

That night, when she went to sleep, she thought she heard a voice. The voice said “ Sing for me, My Angel Of Music.” Christine heard this voice all the time. It made her feel so much better whenever she heard it. She wondered, “If anyone could have a voice that beautiful.” Whoever had it must be a beautiful person and have a wonderful heart.

Chapter Three

The day of the performance was wonderful. She sang so beautiful with her father by her side, playing his volin. Her father played all of her most favorite songs. When she was little, he used to play them, when she went to sleep. She smiled remembering the nights, he had done it. He rarely did it now, because of his health.

By the time of her seventeenth birthday, her father was always sick. He always said, “He was fine.” But the truth was that he wasn’t. The doctor told her , “That he had cancer, and he wasn’t expected to live too long.” Christine heart dropped when she heard this. This wasn’t true. He was only Fifty-Seven. He can’t died.

The last night of his life, Christine and Him had a conversation. “Don’t stop singing, Christine because of me.”

“I won’t!” she promised. “I know you wanted me to sing forever.” she cried.

“I will truly miss you, little one.” he cried. Christine gave him a hug on his bed. This was her very last night with him. Before she could even say goodbye, Daddy Daee died.

“Papa.. Papa..Papa?” she cried yelling. She couldn’t believe he was gone now. She had nothing else to live for now. She would always keep her promise to him, to ever never stop singing. It was his dream for her to be a famous singer.

A year had passed since her father’s tragic death. She was eighteen years old now. She didn’t know what do now. She had moved into the City of Paris now. She wanted to sing at the Paris Opera House. She knew that she wouldn’t ever be in their operas, so, she decided that she would try out for the Girls’ Chorus Group. She was very lucky that day, when they said, “She could be in the Girls’ Chorus Group. She was so very happy.

That night, when she went to sleep, she saw a man in black. She couldn’t see him in the dark. She could only see his black suit.”Who is there staring?” she asked.

“I’m your Angel.” he replied.

“Oh Angel, you have finally come. My Angel of Music.” she said.

“Yes. I am the Angel of Music.” he lied. He was really the Phantom. His name was Erik. “Come, my angel, I’ll take you to my lair.” he said. Christine followed him, and they went to his lair. He lived under the Paris Opera House, and through the cellars was a boat.The boat would lead them to his house beyond the lake. The Phantom sung to her when they were in the boat. Christine was so amazed by his voice. He was truly her angel of music. Soon, they were off the boat and she followed him to his house. Inside the house, there was a organ where he played his music from, and there was bedroom for her, and there was a room that Christine couldn’t go inside of. “You must not go inside that room. It’s a torture room”. Christine obeyed his command not to go in the room.

Later that night, Christine sang for the Phantom. He loved hearing her sing. “You have the most beautiful voice, I’ve ever heard” he said to her.

“Thank you, My Angel.” she replied.

“Call me Erik.” he smiled. She wondered so many times why did he wear that mask? He was truly a beautiful person. He didn’t need to hide it from the world. She smiled at what he said.

Chapter Four

Many months have flown by and it was a day of a practice for one of the performances at the Opera. Charlotta was going to be singing the lead that night, but she came down with a awful cold. “ We need someone to play the part.” one of the managers said.

“Christine Daee could do it.” said a girl named Meg, who was in the Ballet with the Opera.

Christine approuch the stage, and she began to sing. The managers were so impressed. They were so happy that they had finally found someone to take Charlotta’s place ,while she was sick.

The night of the Opera, Christine did a wonderful job. The best ever has been at the Paris Opera House. Christine didn’t know it, but her childhood friend was there that night. “Can it be Christine Daee?” he asked out loud while he was sitting. “Yes, it is. I must see her.” Raoul said.

Raoul came running into Christine’s dressing room, but she had fainted after the performance when it was over with. Raoul went up to the door , and ask could he see her. They let him see her. “Christine, do you remember me?” he said while sitting by her side where she layed on the bed in her dressing room.

“I don’t remember you.” she lied. She lied because she didn’t want the Phantom to know there was a man there. She had once told him about Rauol. “Raoul is like a brother to me, not a lover.”

“You better be right, Angel. You’re mine.” he shouted. While Christine layed on her bed, Raoul was trying to get her to remember.

“I know it’s been a long time , since we saw each other. I was the little boy, who saved your sharf.” Christine shook her head.

“Will you please leave me alone?” she asked. Raoul nodded and left the room. Minutes later, Raoul came back to the door and he heard a man’s voice, and Christine was talking to him.

“Christine, you must love me.” he said.

“I do.” she replied. Raoul was about to open the door. He wondered, who was in there. I must save her from this person.

“Come to me.” the voice said. Raoul couldn’t help, but open the door. When he opened the door, no man was in there. Only Christine.

“Christine, was there someone in here?” he asked. Christine shook her head. “I must be hearing things.” he said. “I feel so crazy about this.” he said.

“Raoul, I do remember you.” she said.

“I knew you did. You are still beautiful.” he smiled. Christine smiled back at him. “I must leave now. Maybe I could see you tomorrow.” he said.

“You can’t see me tomorrow.” she replied.

“Why not?” he asked.

“Because I’ll be busy tomorrow.” she responded.

“How about the next day?” he asked.

“I’ll let you know.” she said. Raoul left the room, feeling that Christine still liked him.

“Angel?” he shouted. “Who was that?” “Was it that man?” he asked.

“Erik, that was Raoul. He’s like a brother to me.” she said.

“Like I believe that, Christine.” he yelled. “You are mine, and you’ll always be mine.” he shouted. ‘Come now, my angel, we must go.” Christine and Erik went into the mirror and went down to his lair.

Christine and Erik had gotten back down the lair. He was teaching his Angel. Christine was looking around his organ and saw a music sheet.”Erik, what it this?”she asked. “It’s my opera. It’s Don Juan Triumphant.” he responded. “Could you play me some of it?”she asked. “You must not ask me that again. I will play Mozart and you will sing it.” he commanded. Christine began to sing. She wondered so many times what he looked like under his mask.She stopped singing.

“I wonder what you look like behind that mask?” she said. Erik wasn’t paying her any attention. She gently took the mask off and Erik was outtraged.Christine screamed when she saw his face.

“Is this what you wanted to see?” he yelled at her. “Touch my face!” he commanded. Christine didn’t do it. Erik got her hands and made her touch his face. Her fingers were going through his face, making his face bleed. “Now you must ever leave me”. He yelled at her. “You are mine forever.” he yelled. Christine was crying. She couldn’t believe he'd do this to her. She thought he loved her.

The next day at the Paris Opera house, Charlotta was back and giving everyone a hard time. “I can’t believe, Christine took my part.” she said sounding very rued. “She won’t be singing my part next time.” she said.

“Excuse me, we have relieved a note.” said the Manager of the Opera House. It said:

“My Dear Managers of The Paris Opera House,

I am here to inform you that Christine Daee will play the part of Countess and Charlotta will play the part of the pageboy. If you don’t obey my wishes, You will wish you were somewhere else."

“I will not play the Pageboy.” Charlotta cried.

“You won’t.” said the manager.

“This must be one of Christine Daee’s fans.” she said. Raoul had just entered the room. “He must have sent it, I saw him last night in Christine’s dressing room.” she said.

“Sent what?” Raoul shouted.

“This note.” the manager said.

“I did not.” he exclaimed.

“He’s a friend of Christine’s.” Charlotta said.

“Charlotta , you will play Countess and Christine will be the pageboy.” Charlotta smiled at this. She didn’t want Christine to play the part.

That night as they got ready for the Opera. Christine was singing to herself. Charlotta was in the room. “Christine, you sound like a toad.” she said being mean. Christine didn’t look at the woman. She was just jealous of Christine’s voice. The Phantom had something plan for that night.

While the performance began, it was time for Charlotta’s time to sing. When she sang a little bit , her voice sounded like a toad. “My voice?” she crocked. “My beautiful voice.” she crocked again.

Then the Phantom started to laugh. “Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!” Charlotta ran off the stage.

One of the managers came on the stage now. “I’m sorry to tell you all, Charlotta isn’t going to play the part tonight. Christine Daee will play the lead. But first, the ballet will perform.” While the ballet began, Christine was getting ready for her role as Countess, and then suddenly she heard screaming. She heard someone shout, “The chanderier had fallen!” And then she heard evil laughing. The Phantom had made the chandier fall.

The performance was tragic that night. The most tragic of ever. Many people had been killed in it. Christine would ever never forget it. Christine did get to sing her part, but it wasn’t the same . After she was done singing, she had disappeared. The Phantom had tooken her.

“Erik, why did you do this?” she asked him when they got back into the lair.

“They didn’t obey, my wishes, Christine.” he yelled. After Christine saw that, she knew that Erik was crazy. “Christine, I’d like you to have this. It’s our engagement ring.” he said. Erik put the ring on her finger. “Don’t lose it, or I’ll do something very awful.” he commanded. Christine nodded at his command.

The next day, Christine was at the Paris Opera House, and Raoul was there. “Christine!” he exclaimed.

“Raoul, how are you?” she asked.

“I’m fine. You look so lovely.” he said.

“Thank you.” she replied.

“Could you come with me to the masacre?” he asked.

“Raoul, I can’t. He’ll know I’m with you.” she replied.

“Who is he, you speak of ?” he questioned her.

“The Angel of Music. He was the one you heard the other night in my dressing room.”

“I knew someone was in your room. Christine, I’ll save you from this mad man.” he said.

“Raoul, you mustn’t. she replied.

“Please come to the masked ball with me?” he asked again.

“I’ll be there.” She finally gave in. “I know the Angel of Music will there. I’ll send you note, where to meet me.” she said.

Chapter Five

Raoul had relieved a note from Christine just as she promised. It said:

“Dear Raoul,

Please meet me at the Masked Ball. Be there at twelve o’clock . Please go to the little room behind the chimney place of the big crush-room. Stand near the door that leads to Rotunda.Don’t mention this to anyone.Wear a white domino and be carefully masked.


The day of the Masked ball , Raoul did as Christine had said in her note. He did what she commanded him to do. She finally appeared in the little room behind the chimney place. “Raoul, I’m here.” she whispered.

“Christine, is that madman with you?” he asked.

“I think he’s going to come.” she said.

“I must save you from him.” he said.

“He isn’t hurting me, Raoul.” she replied and then she said , “Poor Erik.”

“Poor Erik? The madman has a name.” he said. Then suddenly there were shouting out into the ballroom. Erik had arrived. He was masked as Red Death.Everyone was running out of the place. Christine knew he was there.

“Raoul, Hide!” she shouted. Raoul did as she commanded. Erik had came into the room now.

“Chrisitine, come to me.” he commanded. And Christine followed him, and they disappeared.

The next day, Christine was back at the Opera House, and Raoul was there as well. “Christine, Can I speak to you on top of the Paris Opera House?” he asked.

“Of course.” she replied. They went up on top of the Paris Opera House.

“I wanted to tell you something , Christine. You have been on my mind for a long time. I can’t help but think of you . I love you.” he said. “I love you too.” she replied to what he said. “I think I’d always did love you. Raoul gently kissed Christine on her lips.”Raoul, you mustn’t do that.” she said.

“But I love you so much.” He then kissed her again. Christine and Raoul heard something wicked after that last kiss.

“We must leave.” she said. The evil shouts began again. It was the Phantom. They ran from the evil shouts and went back into the opera house. When they finally gotten back to Christine’s dressing room, she noticed that the ring was gone. “My ring is gone.” she cried.

“Where did you last see it?” Raoul asked.

“It was on my finger when we were kissing. Erik is going to be mad at me.” she cried.

“I won’t let him hurt you.” Raoul said. Christine put her head on his shoulders. Raoul gently kissed her again. “I love you so much. I would even die for you.” he said. Christine believed him. She wished the Phantom was more like him.

Christine had a performance that night. She wished that this performance will go well. She didn’t believe it would.

When the performance began , she sang her songs lovely. After the performance was over, she disappeared. The crowd were going crazy about it. Where did Christine go? She just disappeared. It was very strange.

Erik had gotten Christine. “We’re getting married, Christine.” he said.

“I will marry you.” she said. She was in a daze. She obeyed his every command.

Meanwhile back at the Paris Opera House everything was going wrong. Raoul came in where the Managers were. “I know who took Christine, my one true love.” he said. “That Angel of Music, whom she calls Erik.”

“We must kill this person.” one person said. Raoul quickly began his journey to save Christine from the Phantom. He knew he had to save Christine, even if he got killed trying to save her.

Back in the lair, Christine had on a wedding dress, which was white and it had a veil to it. “My bride.” Erik said. “You look so lovely.”

“Erik, why are you doing this?” she cried.

“You are mine, Christine. You disobeyed me.” Christine began to cry. Erik and Chrisitine got married right away by the daraga. The wedding was very private. When they arrived back to the lair, Erik heard someone."My dear, I believe we have a guest.”

“Christine, I’ll save you!” Raoul exclaimed

“Raoul! Christine exclaimed.

“I’d like to see you try to save , Christine! Erik said in a wicked voice. Raoul came up a little bit closer to Christine and then it happened. Raoul was handing from his feet. Erik was going to hang him.

“Erik, don’t do this!” she cried.

“Christine, if you don’t chose me, your lover will die.” he shouted.Christine came up to Raoul.

“Christine, don’t chose him, so, you’ll know I will live.” Raoul said.

“I have made up my mind.” Christine came over to Erik and took his mask off and kissed him. “I chose you, Erik.” she said crying. Erik let Raoul go, and told him to leave, but if he didn’t he would surely died. He left the lair.

Hours later, Erik was getting worried about all the people who wanted to kil him. He could hear them shouting. “Christine, you must leave!” he commanded.

“Erik, I won’t. I love you.” she said crying.

“Go now and marry that man.” He yelled. “Before you leave, I want you to have this.” He handed her the ring that he had given her as a engagement ring.” After accepting the ring back , she ran out of the lair crying. She was fearing that she would ever see Erik again alive.

Chapter Six

Christine came back running into Raoul’s arms. “My Christine, You’re alive.” he cried.

“He let me go.” she said.

“What?” “I thought he loved you.” he said.

“He loved me enough to let me go.” she cried. Raoul took Christine into his arms.

“My darling, I’m so glad you are alive.” he said.

“He said, that I should marry you.” she said.

“Do you want to marry me?” he asked.

“Yes! He would have wanted that.” she said. Christine and Raoul ran out of the Paris Opera House and got a boat to where he stayed at. He wanted to marry her so much.

Christine and Raoul had announced that they were getting married. The wedding was set for June 14, 1881. Christine and Raoul had a wonderful spring together. They would ever forget that spring. Christine couldn’t believe her days with the Angel of Music were over. She still loved him so much. How could she marry Raoul, if she loved Erik so much?

On June 13, everyone was getting so excited about the wedding, but Christine was so depressed about it. She wished it could have been with Erik. She loved him more than Raoul. She finally made up her decision about the wedding. That day, she saw Raoul, she told him how she felt. “Raoul, I don’t feel right about us getting married.” she said.

“Are you getting cold feet?” he asked.

“No, Raoul. I think we should call off the wedding. I’m not in love with you. I'm still love Erik.” she said.

“Are you sure, you want to do this?” he asked.

“I’m very sure.” she said.

“I wish you with all the luck in the world.” he said hugging her. It was over for her and Raoul.

The following week the newspapers came out. Christine saw it. It said: “The Opera Ghost had died”. Christine was crying so much that day.

“Oh no, not my Erik.” she cried. “I love him so much. “Dear lord, please bring him back to me.” she prayed. She wanted Erik so much. She didn’t want to lose him. How could Erik have died? He was in good health when she left him. She couldn’t believe that he had died, and she refused to believe that he had. She thought , oneday Erik would come back for her. She knew that he still loved her. She wished she told him, that she didn’t love Raoul. Maybe he would have letted her stay with him.

Christine knew that she had to get out of Paris quickly. Paris was full of memories for her now. Memories that she couldn’t have faced. Erik was so special to her. She loved him so much. She couldn’t bear losing him.

That week, Christine said, she wouldn’t be back at the Paris Opera House. She was going to leave them. They were so sad, that they were going to lose her. Everyone said goodbye to her, accept Charlotta who was very jealous of Christine. Christine didn’t care if Charlotta was jealous of her. Only thing she cared about was Erik, her one true love.

Chapter Seven

Christine was on her way for a new life. She was going to go to England. She really need time to think about what happened over the months. She missed Erik so much. She wanted him to hold her in his arms. She kept on praying that Erik was alive and that god would send him back to her.

She had found her a nice little place in the country. It was so beautiful, but the beauty of the place, didn’t make her feel better about Erik. She wanted him so badly. Christine had started a hobby at her place. She started to plant in the garden. The place was so lovely, it didn’t have a garden, so she decided she would make a garden for the place.

The insides of the house was just lovely. It was a little house. It wasn’t a palace or a castle, but it was home for Christine. She knew that she had to get a job. The only thing she knew how to do was sing and act, but her first choice was singing. She knew singing better than acting.

Christine went to London that afternoon trying to find a job for her. She had spent all the money she had on traveling to England. Christine tried to find a opera house, but they weren’t interested in her. She thought, they must have heard what trouble she caused at The Paris Opera House.

Christine found a job that she might have been interested in, but it was different from The Opera House. The job she found was singing at a Bar in England. They said, “They wanted her, and that she was different from all the other girls, they had singing there.” Christine was so happy, that she had finally gotten a job. She wondered, what Erik would have thought about her getting a job in a Bar. When she went to work the next afternoon, they made her wear sexy dresses on stage. Mostly men came to the bars. Christine didn’t like dressing like that. It was surely different from what she wore at the Paris Opera House.

Three months have flew by now, and Christine was getting highly payed for her job. She was so happy, that she was getting payed. She felt better than she had ever felt now. She still thought about Erik now and then. She wondered where he was if he was alive? Was he still living at the Paris Opera House. The Paris Opera House haven’t had nothing awful to happen since she left. Sometimes she dreamed about going back to the Paris Opera House, but it was only a dream she had.

Christine had finished her garden now. It looked lovely and beautiful. She hardly ever thought about getting married or having any children, but she wished she had a husband and a couple of children. She hadn’t been interested in anyone since Erik. The loved that Erik gave her was truly wonderful. She dreaded about loving again, fearing that she would lose another lover.

That night, when she perform at the bar. The men at the bar were drunk. They were shouting at her. She didn’t like it. It was the first time they had ever done this to her. When she got down from the stage, the men were trying to touch her. “Get away from me.” she cried when one of the men touched her. She then hit the man who had touched her. She had been very appaul about what happned that day. She was crying. She refused to go into work the next day. She had decided she would quit the job. She wasn’t the girl for the job. Christine’s style was more like Opera Houses.

Christine had quitted the job. She wondered, what she would do now. Was there any work for her? Who would save her from this? She ran over to her bed and cried. She couldn’t stop crying. She was upset about the job.What would she do now? Would she be on the sheets to strave.Then Christine felt a hand on her head. Someone was touching her head. She thought she had felt it before. “Don’t cry , my love.” he said. Christine then got up and saw who it was. It was Erik. It was Erik, the man she had loved so much.

“Erik!” she cried. She gently hugged him.

“Oh my love.” “I love you so much”. He gently kissed her on her lips. When he got done kissing her, Christine gently kissed him back,and then they shared a passinate kiss. Erik gently layed Christine on the bed, he took her clothes off and then his and then they made passinate love. Christine hadn’t ever felt so good in her life. Erik made her so happy. “I can tell you are very happy, that I am back.” he smiled as he kissed her neck.

“I’m very happy, Erik.” She gently kissed his face, and he kissed her on the lips.

“I’m so glad, we are back together now.” he smiled and then he kissed ever so more gently.

“I am too, my love. I have missed you so much.” Erik gently made love to her again. She was so happy that she and Erik were finally back together. She had finally found her one true love.

Chapter Eight

As Erik held Christine in his arms while in Christine’s bed,Erik couldn’t let go of Christine. It was his and Christine’s first time having passinate love. “Christine, do you still have the ring?” he asked her while he held her in his arms.

“Yes. I still do.” She held her hand out to him and he saw it. He gently kissed her hand.

“You look so lovely with the ring on your finger. I’m so glad you are wearing it.” he kissed her on her lips. Christine smiled at his words and his loving kiss.

“Erik, I love you!” she exclaimed.

“And I love you, Christine, my darling angel.” He gently made love to her again. Christine felt even closer to him now. Her heart lifted up when he came back into her life.

Christine and Erik finally made their way out of Christine’s bedroom. Erik couldn’t stop kissing her. “Christine, you look so lovely.” he commimented her.

“Thank you!” she gently kissed him on his lips. Erik wasn’t wearing his mask. Christine was so glad that he wasn’t wearing it anymore. “Erik,you look wonderful yourself.” He smiled at her.

“Do you like me without my mask?” he asked.

“You look even better without your mask. You are the man I love and you are truly amazing.” Erik gently took her into his arms and started to kiss her on her lips. Christine loved it when he kissed her.

As Erik held her , he asked her, “Would you like to come back to Paris with me?” he asked.

“Erik, you know I would. I would go anywhere with you.” she smiled. “Where are you staying?” she asked.

“The same place, my dear.” he smiled remembering Christine singing while he played the organ.

“I can’t hardly wait.” she smiled and kissed the man of her dreams.

Christine and Erik had decided they would leave the next day. That night Erik and Christine had passionate love together. “Darling, you look so beautiful.” he admired her. “I wanted to ask you something.” he said. “What is it, Erik?” she asked. “Would you give me a child?” he asked. “Erik, you know I would. I would love to have your baby.” Erik was pleased by her words and he gently made passionate love to her again.

Erik and Christine had left the house, and started on their way back to Paris. Christine was so happy, that she was going back to Paris. The memories of Paris weren’t dreadful now that, Erik had came back to her. She was so happy that he did. She truly missed him with all her heart.

Christine and Erik had took a train to Paris. Some of the people on the train stared at Erik, but Erik didn’t care. He only cared about Christine. Noting in the world would make him stop caring for her.

It took forever for the train to get to Paris. While they waited to get to Paris, Erik and Christine had a lovely conversation. “You know I couldn’t not thinking about you, Christine, after you left.”

“I thought I would die without you.” she cried.

“I thought I would, but I found out where you were. I knew you would in England for some reason. I know you so well, My darling angel.” He gently kissed her and he took her into his arms, and she went to sleep in his powerful hands. While Christine slept, Erik gently kissed her head, and Christine smiled as he kissed her.

They had arrived in Paris, Christine was still asleep when they got their. Erik carried Christine to his lair. When they finally got to his lair, Erik gently layed her down in the bedroom where she once stayed at. “Christine, we’re home now.” he smiled gently touching her. Christine awoke when she heard Erik’s voice.

“I can’t believe we’re home , my love.” She gently kissed his powerful lips. Then Christine and Erik peeled their clothes away and made love. It seemed like forever since they left the room.

When they left the room, Christine wanted to sing like they always did. “Erik, could you play a song for me and I’ll sing it?” she asked.

“I will, my love. I have been dying to hear your voice again.” Erik played one of the songs that they had once shared together and Christine let out her voice to him. Christine didn’t want to stop singing to him. “You are amazing as ever.” he praised her. Christine came over to him at the organ and kissed him. “You know are the most beautiful person I’ve ever known, Miss Christine Daee.”

“And you are the most beautiful I’ve ever known and I love you with all my heart. I couldn’t bear losing you again. I will always love you, my dearling Erik.” She gave Erik a hug, and they couldn’t let go of themselves. They finally let go of each other. Christine was so happy to be back where she belong her. Her life would be truly wonderful.

Chapter Nine

Christine and Erik were enjoying their life together. Christine was so happy with him. She couldn’t ever stay away from him. They were always together.

The next day, Christine didn’t feel well. She got out of Erik’s arms and ran to the bathroom and she vomited. Erik heard her vomiting. He went into the bathroom. “Christine, are you alright?” he bented down to his knees where Christine was.

“I don’t know.” she cried. “What’s wrong with me?”

“Darling, you might be pregnant.”

“Do you really think that?” she asked him.

“I surely do.” He gently touched her. He couldn’t stop touching her.

“I need to go to a doctor and find out.” she said.

“No, you don’t darling. You will not leave my house.” He gently pulled Christine to the bed and they made love again.

Erik had left for a couple of hours. Christine decided she would go to the doctor and see if she was pregnant. She had to be sure, if she was. If might not be a baby. She might be sick. How could Erik stop her from seeing a doctor.

Christine went to the doctor as she wished. The doctor told her what she wanted to hear. “You are pregnant.”

“Really? My husband will be so happy.” she smiled. As Christine left to see the doctor. Christine couldn’t get the baby out of her mind. She was so happy about it. She hoped she would have a little girl.

Christine had finally gotten home, Erik was sitting at his organ. “Dammit Christine!!” he shouted. “You disopeyed my wishes! he shouted pulling at her arms.

“Erik, Stop! she shouted. “I had to go see the doctor to make sure.”

“You don’t believe me , Christine.” he shouted. Christine couldn’t get his anger out of her mind, and then she had the words that might make him stop.

“Erik, I’m pregnant.” Erik’s anger went away.

“You’re having my baby.” He gently hugged her. “I’m so sorry, Christine. I shouldn’t be shouting at you.” Christine gently kissed his cheek.

“The baby is going to love you.” she smiled.

“I know, my darling. I hope the baby will have your beautiful voice.” He gently held her in his arms. Christine felt so safe in those arms. She didn’t ever want it to end.

Christine grew bigger every month. Erik couldn’t believe how she looked. “Christine, I can’t believe how big you are.” he said.

“I can’t neither, Erik.”

“Have you felt the baby yet?” he asked her.

“Not yet.” Erik gently touched Christine’s stomach.

“Oh Christine, I felt the baby.”

“I felt it too!” Christine thought the feeling was very wonderful. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her now. “Erik, what do you want? A boy or a girl?”

“Darling, I hope a little boy, so, when I’m gone he can stay here.”

“I hope we get a little boy.” she smiled at him.

Many months have passed now. Christine was in her ninth month now. She was getting very excited over the baby she would have. She was big as a balloon. She couldn’t believe a baby would make you that big. Christine had made the baby a little blasket for the baby to sleep in. She set down the blasket near her bed in her bedroom. She wondered, If Erik would sleep with her stiil, when the baby came. He had worried so much about Christine during her pregnancy.

Christine and Erik had went to bed earlier that night. She had lots of contractions that night. They were so painful. She got up and went to the bathroom, and then she saw it. Her water had broken. “Erik, help me!” she screamed out in pain. Erik got out of bed and went by her side.

“Let me get you to the bed.” he said. He layed her down on the bed. Erik gently pulled up her gown. “Darling, I think the baby is going to come any minute. Please do all that I tell you.”

“Okay.” she cried.

“Push, Christine.” Christine started to push. It was so painful. It was the worst pain she had ever been in. She thought she was going to died. “Please push again, Christine. Our baby wants to come out.” Christine screamed out in pain.

“Erik, I can’t do it.” she cried. Erik started to sing to her.As she heard his voice all of the pain didn’t matter.

“Darling, I see the head. Push alittle bit more. It is about over with. The baby gently came out of his mother and Erik caught him in his arms.

“Oh Erik. He’s so beautiful.” Erik gently cutted the baby’s cord and the baby started to cry. Erik gave the baby to his mother.

“What are you going to name him?” he asked.

“I’m going to name him William.” she smiled.

“William Destler.” Erik said. “He has a beautiful name and he looks just like you.” He gently kissed Christine’s face. Christine and Erik had finally gotten a son now. Christine was so happy about her new baby.

Chapter Seven

The week after Little William was born, Christine and Erik were so happy about their little boy.Christine loved her baby. He looked just like his father. "Erik, Isn't the baby so beautiful?" she asked him as they layed in bed, while Christine held the baby in her arms.

"He's very beautiful", "I wonder , what he'll think of me when he's little bit older?" he asked.

"Erik, the baby will love you. He doesn't care what you want like. He loves you, just like I do." Erik gently kissed Christine's gentle lips.

"Christine, I love you. I don't know what I would do without you. You're my everything. You have made me so happy. No one in the world could make me happy, like you did." Christine gently kissed her husband. The baby quickly went to sleep that night in his blasket. While the baby slept, Christine and Erik made love for the first time since Christine's pregnancy. Their bodies enbranced as Erik made love to Christine, his one true love. He would even give his life for her.

The baby finally cried for his mother. "Erik, I better get the baby. He needs nursing." She quicky got up from the bed and got Little William out of his blasket, and gently held him up to her breast. "Erik, Our baby is hungry." she smiled. Erik smiled back at her, as he watched the baby.

"I can't believe he once was inside of you." he smiled as he patted the baby's head.

"I can't neither. I'm glad he's finally here with us."

"We have waited nine months to get him, my love. He was worth the wait." The baby gently got off her breast and went to sleep. Christine letted him sleep in her arms that night. He slept better in her arms.

The next morning, Christine was up early with Little William. Little William was so cute. Christine knew he loved her very much. Erik got out of bed , while Christine rocked Little William in the rocking chair. "Darling, how's our little one?" he asked.

" He's doing wonderful, Erik." she replied.

"Wonderful." he said, "Could I hold him?" he asked.

"Sure." she smiled as she handed the baby to Erik.

"Hey Little Fellow. It's your father." he said smiling at his little boy. Erik thought the baby smiled back at him. "Darling, he smiled back at me." he smiled.

"He loves you so much." she smiled.

"I know why he loves me so much?" he said.

"What is it, Erik?"

"Because you love me so very much". he smiled as he kissed the baby on his head. Christine quickly got up from the rocking chair and kissed Erik.

"Erik, I love you so much."

"And I love you , my angel. I'm so glad that you're back with me and that we have a baby now." Erik then sung a lullaby to the baby. The baby quickly went to sleep in his father's arms. "I think someone just went to sleep." he whispered. " I better put him to bed." he smiled. He gently layed the baby down in his blasket and kissed him. Christine and Erik quietly left the room, while little William slept.

Erik went over to his organ and Christine followed. "Do you remember when we first had our first lesson, Christine?" he asked.

"Yes. It seems like a lifetime ago." she smiled remembering the day she had her first lesson with Erik.

"I'm so happy, Christine. You made me so very happy." Christine gently kissed his face. She truly loved Erik. Erik started to play one of Christine's favorites.

"That's my favorite song. My father used to play it for me." she smiled. Christine sang the words to the song. It was so beautiful. It bought tears to Erik's eyes. When the song was over with, Christine gently wiped the tears from Erik's face and kissed him hard on the lips.

"I love you, my darling Christine."

"And I love you."

Months had passed now. Little William was five months old now. He was so very cute. Christine and Erik always had Little William close beside them. Erik loved singing to the baby, when Erik held him . Little William loved it when his father sang to him. Christine wondered, if Little William would be a singer oneday. She hoped he would be. Little William was so very beautiful. She knew she would have a hard time with him about girls wanting him.

One night as Christine and Erik were asleep, the baby gave him a very loud cry. Little William had ever did that before. Christine quickly got out of bed and went to Little William's blasket. She quickly picked up the baby. The baby wouldn't stop crying. "Darling, what's a matter." she cried as the baby cried. Erik heard the baby's cries.

"Is the baby okay?" he asked.

" He won't stop crying." she said.

"Let me see him." he said. Christine handed Erik the baby. Erik gently felt the baby's head. "Darling, he has a fever." Christine cried as she heard Erik say , "fever". Not her baby. Her baby was sick.

"Is there something you can do for him?" she asked while crying.

"I don't know, Christine." The baby was still crying. "He has a very high temperture." Christine cried as he heard Erik say this. "I think you should take him to a doctor."

"Oh Erik. Our baby is sick." she cried.

" Leave me and take the baby to a doctor." he commanded.

"I won't leave you." she cried , "Please go with me to the doctor."

"I can't. They believe I'm dead. Go now!!! GO!!!!" Christine got the baby out of his arms and left the lair. She couldn't believe what she had just done. She had left Erik again. She probably wouldn't ever see him again. She still wore the ring he had gave her. Whenever she looked at the ring she thought of Erik and when she looked at her son, she thought of Erik as well. Little William probably wouldn't ever get to know his father. His father had saved his life, when he told Christine to leave him and take the child to a doctor. Little William would always be a link to Erik. Little William was just like his father. Christine loved him so very much.

Chapter Eight

Christine was now at the hospital. The nurses had already took Little William in. Christine waited in the waiting room. She bent down and prayed. "Dear Lord, Don't take my baby away from me. Please make the fever break." Christine waited for hours to hear about the baby and then finally a nurse came out and told her the news.

"Mrs. Destler?" she said.

"Yes. How's my baby?" she asked.

"He's doing fine. We're glad you bought him to us. He had a very bad fever. It just broke away just a minute ago."

"Thank you, Lord." she cried. "Can I go see him now?" she asked.

"Yes." the nurse said. Christine followed her into the room where Little William was. Little William was sleeping in a crib. He looked so happy there. Erik was right, the baby had a very high fever. She was so glad that she had took the baby to the doctor. A doctor told her the baby might had died if she didn't bring him, like she did. She was so relieved. She couldn't live without her baby.

Christine gently picked up the baby and sung him the lullaby that Erik had once sung to him. She sung it with so much love. The baby loved it. He gently opened his eyes as he saw her. The baby reached out for her. She loved it, when she saw the baby's arms reach out for her. He looked more like Erik as always.

The following morning, Christine and William were let out of the hospital. William was feeling better. He was back to normal now. Christine knew it was going to be hard for him without his father. William was so very attach to Erik.

Christine and William had a nice little apartment in Paris. It was so lovely. Christine had gotten William alot of toys. William loved all of his toys. Christine had even gotten him a crib now. He hated sleeping in that little blasket. By now, he was too big to fit in the blasket.

Every night, William would cry wanting his mother.William cried so much during the night. Christine knew why he did this. It wanted Erik, his father. She knew William missed him so very much. "William, Father is always with us. You won't ever forget him. He loves you so much."

During when William was a baby , he cried all the time. Now he was four years old. He was getting into everything. Christine was always chasing after him.

William was too big for his crib now. He now slept with his mother. Christine loved it that William had moved into the bed with her. She was so very lonely without someone sleeping in the bed with her. She knew that William must have known it.

Every night, Christine would read him stories. One night, William asked her something. "Mother, who's my father?" he asked as Christine held him in her rocking chair.

"Your father isn't here with us anymore. He made us leave him."

"Mother, I miss him so much." he cried.

"I miss him as well. He loved you so very much. He saved your life. He told me to leave him and take you to a doctor. You had a very high fever." Christine could still see Erik. Everytime she looked at William, she saw Erik. William was just like him in every way, except for his face being deformed. William quickly went to sleep in her arms. She and him slept in the rocking chair that night. She dreamed of Erik all the time. She dreamed about meeting him again and like always she woke up. She wish it was real. She wanted Erik so much. She wanted to feel him again, but it wasn't to be. She promised him that she would leave with William.

By the time, William was five , Christine had a new job. She was now singing in a restuarant in Paris. The hours were great. She could stay home with William during the day and she worked at night. William had a nanny with him at night. William missed his mother sleeping with him every night. He wished that she would quit the job and be his mother.

Christine got along well at the restuarant. She sung all of her favorite songs, most of them were songs that Erik had taught her. Everytime she sung one, she thought of Erik in the crowd listening to her sing, telling her "Well done, Christine, My Angel."

One night, at the restuarant a very importanted men were there watching her sing. Little did she know, they were going to help Christine with her career as a singer. When Christine was finished that night, they stopped her. "Miss Christine, you have a wonderful voice. You have a voice of an angel." they exclaimed.

Well, thank you." she smiled.

Would you like to go to New York and record a song? We work with a record company and you are what we are looking for."

I really don't know about that. I will see what my son thinks about it."

"Christine you must do it. You will be famous, if you go to New York."

"I'll think about it."

Christine got home as quickly as she could. William was still up by then. The nanny was reading him a bedtime story. Christine came into the room smiling.

William got up from the nanny's lap and exclaimed , "Mommy!!You're home!" He ran up and hugged his mother.

"I missed you ,little one.I have very good news to tell you all."

"What?" Nanny Jane asked.

"I was offer to record a song for a record company." she exclaimed.

"Mommy, thats amazing!" William exclaimed.

"Where is the job at Christine?" Jane asked.

"It's in New York. I know that seems faraway from Paris."

"Mommy, are you going to take the job?" he asked.

"What do you think, baby?" she asked.

"I think you should take the job." he smiled.

" I think that as well." Jane smiled.

"Jane, if I took the job , would you come along and be William's nanny?" she asked.

"I would love to." Jane said.

"Wonderful. I will talk to them tomorrow." Christine was so happy that they liked the news and agreed to go to New York with her. This was a beginning of a new life for her.

Chapter Nine

Christine had told them that she was going to record the song for the record company. She packed up everything that had. She got all of William's toys packed up and all of his clothes. Christine still wore the ring, Erik had given her. If William would have been a girl, Christine would have given the ring to her, but she didn't have a daughter and she probably wouldn't ever have anymore children.

"Mommy, I'm going to miss Paris." William said.

"I will too. Paris is filled with lots of memories for me. One day, you'll come back here." she smiled.

"I hope I will." he smiled, "I love Paris."

"Baby, you'll love New York as well , when we get there." William just smiled at her believing every word she said to him. He wanted to be just like her. He wanted to be a singer just like her.

Christine, William, & Jane got on a ship to New York. The ship was very lovely. They had beautiful state rooms. William loved playing on deck with his mother. She was always fun to play with. He wish she would stay with him all the time, instead of going to work. He wanted to be with her every minute of the day.

It took two weeks to get to New York. They were so happy when the ship finally got to New York. William was very tired when they got there. Christine had a lovely house in New York. When they got to the house, William was so amazed by the house. "Mommy, is this really our house?" he asked.

"It sure is. I'm glad you love it." William came to his mother and hugged her.

"I love you." he smiled.

"I love you,too, little one." she smiled . William kissed his mother and went up to his new room.

New York was a big change for Christine. Hardly anyone spoke French. Christine was so happy , that she knew English, if she didn't, she would have been lost there.

When she got to the recording studio, they got her ready to record a song. She was going to sing a song that Erik loved to hear her sing. It was called "How Lovely You Are With Me". She sung the song with so much passion and emotion. Tears came down her eyes as she sung the song. She couldn't stop thinking about Erik. She knew that he would be so proud of her.

The year was 1887. Christine had finished recording the song and everyone loved it. It bought tears to their eyes. They said that she would make a album. The single of the song sold many copies in the USA. Everyone loved Christine.

In the summer of 1887, Christine recorded the album that they all have been waiting for. The album was full with lots of the operas she sang. She wondered, what the people in Paris would think of her now or would they even remember her. She was once there star in their operas. She was probably forgotten now, but she wouldn't ever forget the Paris Opera house and when she had met Erik, her one true love.

William loved Christine's songs. He would sing alot of them around the house. He truly loved singing. He had his father's voice. Christine knew that he had it, when she first heard him sing. "Darling, you sing very beautifully." she exclaimed.

"And so do you, Mommy." he smiled at her.

Christine's record had come out now. The record was a success. Christine loved all of the attention she was getting. She gave out autographs to her fans. She loved giving them her autograph. Being famous was truly great, if would have been wonderful, if it was with Erik.

Chapter Ten

Many wonderful years had passed now. William was now sixteen years old now. He was hand full. Christine couldn't keep him in any private schools. He had been kicked out of every school he went to. William was just like his father. He got mad easily. He was truly Erik's son.

"William, if you keep on getting kicked out of school, you'll ever never gradulate."

"Mom, I'm not interested in school anymore. I hate it. I would rather sing like you do."

"Darling, you should do that after you go to college. It's very important you graulate."

"Will you stop getting on my case. You have always been on my case ever since we moved here."

"William, don't speak to me like that!" she scolded.

"I'm very sorry, Mom." He gently hugged her. "Mom, I just get mad sometimes. I can't help it."

"I know, darling. Your father was like that."

"Mom, where is father? Why isn't he here with us?"

"Darling, I guess your father is in Paris. Your father wasn't very normal. Your father had a deformed face and he doesn't like to come out where he is hiding." she said.

"I wish he was here. I don't care what he looked like as long as he was there for me and you." Christine gently held him in her arms. She didn't want to let go of her only child.

Christine finally found a school for William. He got along great the first week and then the second week was that good. One of the boys there made fun of William for that having a father and calling him a mommy's boy. The thing that really made William mad, was when he said that his father was as ugly as a gorilla. William kicked that boy so hard, that his hand bled when he hit him. "Don't you ever say something like that about my father!" he screamed.

Christine finally got to the school, when she heard the news. She went into the office where William was. "William, how could you get into another fight. I don't know what to do with you."

"Mom, that boy said something about my father that I didn't like. I hitted him so hard for saying it."

"William!" she exclaimed. "I wish you could just learn how to ignore people when they say something ugly."

"Mom, I'm not going to sit there and listen to it. I hit the hell out of him."

"William, watch your mouth. We're going home now." William followed his mother out to the carriage. Christine couldn't believe what she was going though. She thought that William might be doing this do get some attention from her, or he needed a father to tell him what was right from wrong. She couldn't help the way William was. It was in his blood. He acted just like Erik.

Christine finally agreed for William to quit school. She couldn't fight with him anymore about it. He had decided he wanted to sing. Christine agreed with him that it was a great career choice for William. Erik wanted his son to sing just like him.

That year, William practiced on his singing. He was improving nicely. He had a voice teacher to want him out that year. He wanted to be in a opera the next year. He hoped that he would be singing beautifully by then. He was a very fast learner. He was just like Erik in everyway. Christine was very impressed by William's singing. She couldn't believe it was coming out of his mouth. Erik was be so proud of him, that William could sing just like him. William was finally doing what he always wanted to do.

The next year had finally came now, William's voice was wonderful. He had went to a Opera House in New York earlier that morning and the following week, they said they wanted him in the Opera. His stage was to be William Erik Destler. He chose his father's name for his middle name.

On the night of William's performance, Christine was there sitting on the front row set. Everyone must have known that she was a mother of one of the performers.

The performance was wonderful. Christine met William at his dressing room. "Baby, you were wonderful!" she exclaimed.

"Thank you, Mom!" he smiled.

"Your father would have been so proud of you." she smiled remembering Erik.

"I know, Mom. I wish he could have been here." Christine hugged her only son that she loved so much. She was so happy for him that he was now singing in the opera.

When Christine and William got home, Christine had him his favorite cake made. "Your favorite cake, William!" she smiled.

"Thank you, Mom! You always know what I love." he smiled looking up his mom, who was putting her fingures through his hair. Christine and William had a piece of cake. Christine could make a really good cake. William loved all of her cakes. They were his favorites.

William was now seventeen years old. Christine couldn't believe her baby was seventeen. It seemed just like yesterday, when Erik had delivered him into the world.

William was going to be going to a music school that year. The school was in France. William wanted to go so badly. "Okay, you can go!" she gave into him.

"Thank you, Mom."

"Promise me, you won't get into any trouble there."

"I promise."

"Be sure to tell me when you get to France, what has changed and what has not. I would love to go back there.

"I hope oneday, you will. Maybe oneday, you and father will be together again."

"Darling, I wish that was true." Erik was a memory for her now. She wanted to see him so badly. He was her muse.

Christine had retired from her recording records. She thought it was time that she stopped recording. She wanted to be with her family.

William had applied for the music school. William was so nervous about not getting accepted. Christine wanted William to get it so badly, but she knew she couldn't stand William being away from her that long.

William had finally gotten a letter back from the music school. "Mom, I'm so nervous."

"Baby, open it!" she exclaimed. William quickly opened the letter.

"Mom, I can't believe it. I'm in!!" he exclaimed ,throwing the letter into the air. Christine came up and hugged him.

"I'm so happy!" she said hugging her child. His dreams were finally coming true now.

Chapter Eleven

William left to go the music school in France. He was looking forward going back to Paris. He had missed it so much. Paris bought back memories for him. He knew that his mother had alot of memories there with his father. William only wished he knew where he was. He wanted to see his father so badly.

William had finally gotten to the music school. It was a very great school. William was so happy that he had gotten in.

William had just checked into his room, there were alot of young men and women there. The women really impressed him. He was walking out of his room, when he bumped into a very attractive girl. "I'm sorry!" he said.

"It's okay." she replied picking up the books that she had dropped.

"By the way, My name is William." he said smiling at the beautiful womam.

"My name is Ana." she smiled.

"You have a beautiful name". he smiled.

"Thank you, William. It was so nice to have met you. Would you like to go the opera tonight with me? My father won't be able to join me this time."

"I would love too. I love operas." he smiled.

"We have something in common you know." she replied.

"I hope your father doesn't mind us going out."

"He's very protective over me. He's a Viscount."

"Wow! I'm going out with a daughter of a Viscount."

"I'm sure he would love to meet you."

"Maybe you could have it arrange then." he smiled at her.She smiled back at him.

"See ya tonight!" she smiled. William was so happy about going to the opera with her. He had finally gotten a date. He'd hoped that her father didn't mind them going out. If her father was anything like her, he knew he was a great man. He was Viscount. He thought, his mother would be proud of him for taking a daughter of Viscount out to a opera.

It was time for William and Ana date. William was getting so nervous about it. It was his very first date. He wondered, if it was hers as well. Soon there was a knock at the door. William quickly opened the door and saw Ana standing there in a beautiful blue dress with her long brown hair.

"You look beautiful." he smiled.

"So do you." she smiled.

"I guess you have notice , this is my very first date?" he asked.

"Mine as well. Father doesn't let me go out at all. I'm glad he finally made up his mind about the music school."

"I'm glad as well. If he didn't let you go, me or you wouldn't have ever met."

"I'm so glad we met." she smiled. William smiled back at her.

"What does your father think about us going out tonight?"

"He trusts you. He wants to meet you tonight after the opera."

"Great!" he exclaimed, "Are you ready to go to the opera?" he asked.

"Yes. I can't wait to go. I haven't ever been to the Paris Opera House."

"My mother used to be in the operas they had."

"Who is your mother?" she asked.

"Her name back then was Christine Daee."

"I haven't ever heard of her before."

"She was great." he smiled remembering his mother back home.

"What about your father?" she asked.

"I didn't ever got to meet him." he replied.

"I'm so sorry, William." she said.

"I am as well. I wish I could met him. He's still alive somewhere here in France."

"William, I hope you'll get to see him again. I know you miss him." William gently hugged Ana.

William and Ana had finally gotten to the Paris Opera House. William thought it was wonderful. He had ever seen such a beautiful place. During the opera, he thought about his mother. How many times she had sung on the stage. He wished he could sing on the stage that she did so long ago.

The opera was wonderful. William and Ana were amazed at it. "That was a beautiful opera!" Ana exclaimed.

"It sure was. I loved it. Ana, Have you ever heard of the legend of the Opera Ghost? I heard about it today."

"I haven't ever heard it before, William."

"As legend as it, He's still here."

"William, are you trying to scare me?" she asked. William just smiled at her. "William, we better get going, my father is waiting for us."

"Let me just look at Box Five." he replied.


"Ana, I'm going to check it out. Don't be scared , Ana."

"I'm not scared. I think we better get going. The Box Five is private opportinity of the opera house." William had finally found box five. Inside the room was a chair and a stoll.

"Nobody is in here."

"William, I'm getting scared. Lets go! The room was dark. You wouldn't know if someone was in there. William thought he heard breathing in the room.

"I think we better get going." he said. He and Ana ran out of the room.

"William, I haven't been so scared in my life."

"Don't tell your father, he might not let me go out with you anymore."

"I won't." she replied.


William and Ana had finally left the Paris Opera House. They had a carriage waiting for them. The carriage drove to Ana's father's house. "I hope he'll like you, William." she said nervously.

"He will, Ana." he smiled looking at her beautiful eyes.

They had finally drove up to her father's chateau. "You have a beautiful house." he said as he admire the house.

"Thank you!" she replied, "You're going to love the inside of it." she smiled. The carriage stopped at the front of the house, William got out of the carriage and helped Ana out. "You are a gentleman." she smiled.

"Thank you, my dear." he smiled. Ana smiled at him. Ana showed William into the house. Her father was waiting in his study. Her father quickly got up from his desk, when he heard the door open.

"Ana, It's so wonderful to have you home."

"Thank you, Father." she smiled. He looked over to William.

"This must be the young man, who went out with you."

"Yes. His name is William."

"My dear boy, thank you for taking my little girl out to the opera. My name is Raoul."

"You're very welcome , Sir."

"You look like sometime, dear boy, but I haven't ever met you before."

"You haven't met me before , Sir. I just got here from New York. I'm glad to be back in Paris."

"Paris is a very good country, my dear boy. I hope you like your stay here." Raoul went back into his study.

"William, you were wonderful." Ana said.

"Gosh! I was so nervous about that." he replied.

"I'm so glad, it's over with. I think my father likes you." she smiled.

"Do you think he'll let us go out again?" he asked.

"I hope so, because I love you so much. I know you think its crazy, I fall in love with you tonight."

"I am in love with you as well." he smiled looking at her beautiful face. He gently kissed her red lips so very hard.

"I love you so much!" she smiled, "I'm so glad we bumped into each other today." William gently hugged Ana. He wanted her so badly. "I beter go say goodbye to Father." she said as he let go out of his arms. Ana walked into her father's study. "Father, I wanted to say goodbye." she smiled at him, while he was at his desk.

"Goodbye, Ana. That man you bought home tonight reminds me of someone."

"Who father?" she asked.

"The woman, who I was going to marry, but she refused to marry me. It happened along time ago." Ana gently kissed her father on his head.

Ana and William left her father's house, and went back to the music school where they stayed. While they were in the hallway of their rooms, William asked Ana, "Could you stay with me tonight?"

"You know I would love too." Ana followed William into his bedroom. William led her to his bed. He gently layed Ana down on the bed. He gently took off her clothes and she took off his, and they made passionate love to each other. They were truly in love. William hadn't ever felt this way about a girl before. He was in love.

Chapter Twelve

William and Ana were so much in love. They did everything together. They even learn a song that they sang for the school. It was very beautiful.

The year was 1900, William and Ana were going to gradulate from the music school. They were so excited. William even wrote his mother a letter to come. The day Christine recieved the letter, she was so happy for her son. The letter said:

"Dear Mom,

I would like to invite you to my gradulation. I will be looking forward into seeing you again. I have missed you so much. I met a wonderful girl here in Paris. I know you will like her. She reminds me of you in someway..

I love you, Mother! I will be waiting for you to come to Paris.



"What a wonderful son, I have!" Christine exclaimed. She was so happy for her son, that he was gradulating from the school. He was eighteen years old now. She couldn't believe how fast he had grown up. It seemed just like yesterday, he was walking around. She thought about Erik everytime she saw William. William was her only link to Erik. Christine still missed Erik so much. She could still see his beautiful face. How she wish she could see it again and kiss him on his face.

Christine had arrived in time for the graduation. Paris was filled with alot of memories of Erik. She thought, she could almost see Erik there, him reaching out to her.

Christine had gotten to the school now. She was very impressed by it. She couldn't wait to see William after the gradulation ceremony was over. She wished Erik was there to sit by her and watch their son gradulate with honors. When they called out William's name, Christine thought she could fill Erik right beside her, telling her , "He was so proud of his little boy."

When the ceremony was over with, Christine waited for him at the party they were having for the gradulates, and then she heard his voice. "Mom! he said excitly. Christine came running up to him.

"I'm so happy for you!" she said hugging him.

"Mom, I thought I could fill father near me." he said. Christine hugged her son for what it said.

"Your father would be very proud of you." she cried. William smiled at his mother.

"Mom, I would like you to meet someone." he said. Christine followed him where Ana and her father was. When Christine saw who they were. She thought she would faint. "Mom, this is Ana and her The Viscount Raoul de Chagny." Christine shook their hands.

"It was nice to meet you." she said in a low voice. Christine left them alone. Ana went off to get something to drink

"Is that your mother?" Raoul asked William.

"Yes, she is." he replied.

"Would you be that man's son, who tried to kill me?" he asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Sir." William responded.

"Yes. You are. I would know him from anyone. Please leave my daughter alone." he said in angry voice. Raoul left the party after that. William couldn't believe what just happened. How did he know who his father was?

After the party, William found Ana in her room at the school. "William, you're mother doesn't like me. I could tell by her face when she saw me and my father." she said.

"She doesn't hate you, Darling. Mother probably can't accept that I'm growing up." he replied.

"I hope you're right, William." she said.

"I have something to ask you, my dear." he said.

"What my dear?" she asked. William bent down to his knees.

"William, are you doing what I think you are doing?" she asked putting his hand to her mouth.

"Will you marry me?" he asked smiling at her.

"Yes!Yes!Yes!! she shouted excitly to him. William got up from his knees and kissed her face.

"I have to go and talk to mother now. I think she has something to tell me tonight." he said. William quickly left the room, blowing a kiss at Ana.

When William found his mother in her hotel room, she laying down on her bed. When Christine saw him come into the room she spoke up to him. "William, you mustn't see that girl anymore." she said.

"Mother, why not? I'm in love with her." he replied.

"Please don't say that. Your father wouldn't like it, you dating a girl from the de Chagny family."

"Why wouldn't he like that?" he asked.

"Your father and Mr. Chagny are enemies."

"Why are they enemies , Mother?" he asked.

"Because they both wanted me. I was once in engage to Mr. Chagny, but your father won me." William couldn't believe what she was saying.

"Mother, Mr. Chagny and I had a little conservation tonight. He said 'that my father tied to kill him'."

"Darling, it is true. Raoul was trying to kill your father as well. He thought your father was trying to hurt me, but your father didn't. He loved me with all his heart. He was the most beautiful person I've ever known. You have grown up to be just like him. Everytime I see you, I think of him."

"Mother!" he cried. He went up to her and hugged her. "I love Ana with all my heart. Please don't make me leave her. I just got her to marry me. Please don't let her leave me." Christine held her son into her arms, just like when he was little baby.

"Darling, I can't stand in the way of happiness. I don't want you to live your life, like I did." William cried in her arms. Christine wiped the tears from his eyes.


Meanwhile, when Ana got home to her father's house. She was so happy about the engagement. She came running into the room. "Father, Guess what?" she said excitly.

"Ana, whatever it is can wait. You can't see that young man anymore."

"Why father?"

"He's the son of the man, who tried to kill me."

"What? Why would William's father do that?"

"Because he's a crazy man. I don't want you seeing him anymore. That boy is a bastard child."

"I hate to tell you, I love William with all my heart, and he has asked me to marry him and I have accepted."

"What?" he screamed. "If you marry him, I'll disinheirit you. Do you want to betray the family by marry him? He's the son of my enemy."

"I don't care what you say. You can't stand in the way of true love. You're just jealous because you ever had any love in your heart." Raoul snapped his daughter across her face. Ana ran out of the room. She was so very mad at him. She couldn't believe what he had just done to her. How could he stand in the way of true love?

Ana had gotten back to her room at the music school. William was there waiting for her. "Where have you been my sweetheart?" he asked.

"I had a little talk with my father. He doesn't like us getting married. I don't really care what he thinks. You are the most wonderful person, I've ever known. He can't keep us apart. I don't care if he cuts off my inheritance. I love you, Darling William." William quickly kissed her on the mouth.

After they got done kissing, he asked her, "Would you like to come back to New York with mother and I?"

"You know I would love too. I want to marry you so badly."

"I do as well.Mother has agreed on us getting married."

"Oh William!" she sighed. She then kissed him on his mouth. William quickly layed her on the bed and their bodies enbranced as they made love.

Chapter Thirteen

Christine, William , and Ana got on a ship to New York. They had a lovely trip on the way to New York. William and Ana were going to get married when they got to New York. Ana wanted a simple wedding, she wasn't into big weddings. She just wanted William and his mother there. She didn't want her father there at all. He probably would have shot William, if he was at the ceremony. Raoul had disinheirted her as he promised, if she married William. Ana didn't care about it anymore. What mattered was her relationship with William.

It seemed forever for the wedding to come. It was finally time for Ana and William to get married. The ceremony was going to be held at a lovely church.

On the day of the wedding , Ana was getting ready for the wedding in the back of the church. Christine knocked on the door. "Can the mother of the groom come in?" she asked.

"Sure. Come on in." she smiled.

"You look beautiful." Christine thought of the day, Erik and her had gotten married. It wasn't like this.

"I'm so nervous!" she said nervously.

"Don't be. This is your day." Ana smiled over at Christine, who looked so beautiful in her eyes. " Ana, I have something for you." Christine took off her wedding ring that Erik had given her.

"Christine.. this is your wedding ring." she said.

"It's yours now. It should stay in the family." she smiled. Ana put the ring on her fingure.

"Christine, Thank you!" Christine gave her soon to be daughter in law a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

"Oh.. It's about time. I better get going." she smiled.


The wedding was wonderful. Ana looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. William looked so handsome in his tux he was wearing. He looked just like father , even more now than ever.

William and Ana had planned to travel to London & Paris. Christine kissed them goodbye. " Be sure to get me a present!" she smiled.

"We won't forget, Mother!" Ana said. Ana wanted to call Christine "Mother" now.

"We get you something that tears will come in your eyes." Christine smiled at him, wondering what they had in mind for her.

"When are you two coming home?"

"On your birthday, Mother. Your favorite holiday." he smiled.

"I will be looking forward into it." She hugged them one more time before they left.


William and Ana went to London first on their honeymoon. They went into every opera house they had. They loved opera houses. Ana was getting excited about going back to Paris again to see The Paris Opera House.

They'd enjoyed their trip to London , and now they were on their way to Paris now. William and Ana were getting so excited about it. William still wondered where his father was or even if he was alive. He knew that his father would be sixty-eight by now. William wanted to see him so badly. He felt like crying whenever he thought of the father he had ever seen.

They had finally arrived in Paris now. They were going to the opera that night. William had on a black tux and Ana had on a beautiful red dress that matched her eys and hair perfectly.

When they had finally arrived at the opera, they had a box seat ready for them. It was near box five. William could still remember the day, he and Ana had walked inside it and when he heard someone breathing inside the room.

The opera was wonderful. It was even better than the first one he had seen there. When William and Ana left their box seats, William thought he saw someone in a black suit. "What's a matter?" Ana asked.

"I thought I saw someone." Ana followed him down into the lair under the Paris Opera House and then he saw him. The man in the black suit and mask came over to where William and Ana stood. William thought the man kinda looked like him.

"Who are you?" he asked them.

"I'm William Destler and this is my wife Ana."

"It can't be." He came over to William looked him over and looked at Ana. He saw the ring. "How did you get that ring?" he asked her.

"My mother in law , Christine gave it to me for a wedding present." He came over to William and took him into his arms.

"My dear boy, I thought I'd ever get to see you again." William knew who he was, and he hugged him.

"Father.." he cried. Erik started to sing him the lullaby he had once sung to him as a baby. When Erik stopped sing to him, he asked him about Christine.

"How's your mother?" he asked.

"She's fine. She misses you dearly. We missed you. I missed having a father."

"I wish I could see that beautiful face again. I'm still in love with her." William hugged his father after hearing what he said.

"Father, I would like you to meet my wife Ana." Erik kissed Ana's hand.

"Ana, you are very beautiful. Make my little boy happy." he smiled.

"I will." she smiled.

Chapter Fourteen

It was Christmas night and William and Ana were due to be back that night. It was Christine's thirty-six birthday. Christine suddenly felt old. Christine then heard the door open and William and Ana were standing in the room where Christine was. "It's so great to have you two back!" she came over to them and kissed them both on the cheek.

"Mother, we have present for you. We just knew you would love it when we saw it." William handed her the present. She opened up the present and saw what it was. It was Erik's opera called "Don Juan Triumphant".

"How did you get this?" she asked, and then he came into the room. She thought she was going to faint. She thought she was dreaming when she saw him.

"Christine, my love and my wife!" Erik exclaimed. He took off his mask and Christine ran into his arms, and kissed him all over his face.

"I love you, Erik!" she smiled up in his arms.

"And I love you, my darling Christine."

The ring Erik had gave Christine for their engagement ring bought their family back together again. Christine and Erik were back together.