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The Forgotten History

Welcome to the page of the forgotten jellicle cats. You might be wondering what this page is all about, so I'll give you a brief run down.

This is a page about the types of cats forgotten in Andrew Lloyed Webber's Cats. After watching the video more than 12 times, a friend and I came up with a number of different cats left out of this musical. I thought it would be a blast to put our ideas up on net for international input.

In this page are simple little character sketches of each Forgotten Cat including names (if we came up with one), coat markings, background (point form right now) and relationships. Also included is a form where you can supply your own forgotten Cat(s).

It is our hope that someday (with permission) we'll see these forgotten cats in a sequel to Cats. Until then, I hope you enjoy this listing of forgotten cats.

-- G-Clef :0

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