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I was going to borrow the magazine from the library so I could scan it in color, but that didn't happen (it was a back issue and not to leave the library ever). I made a copy of the page and scanned the copy (not so well though). I tried to make the article readable but that didn't work. So here it is:

"Among the dried roses – one from idol Shirley MacLaine – hanging in Marla Schaffel’s dressing room lurks a fake fowl. “A house is not a home without a rubber chicken,” cracks the star of Broadway’s Jane Eyre and a favorite to score at this month’s Tonys. Lounging in sweats as she chats about the challenges of playing Jane, she’s just as wiseass – and refreshingly unfabulous. First off, there’s the 30-pound petticoated dress Marla dons eight times a week. “I trip on the hem all the time,” she says. Then there’s the ban on beauty aids. “It’s easy to get everyone’s attention if you walk onstage in a sequined gown with drop-dead red lips,” Marla, 29ish, says. “Try showing up in a floor-length black dress with no makeup.” If anyone can work it, she can. –Liz Welch

And Marla (I seriously did not recognize her at first) is wearing this white dress with these pretty red/orange flowers on it. It was really pretty, I want one like it.