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-=l[wELCOME TO THE DOPE HOUSE]l=- updates//blogg


sorry yall that i aint been updatin alot i just been thinkin about buyin my own domain cuz angelfire sucks ass but i added a new link its the dymes part under the spot "ME" so look at that if u think u cute enough to be on there send me ur pic stay cool everyone im out "wun"...


iight i updated some thong pics and family pics im still workin on the other stuff to its just so hard cuz i dont get online much and if u come to visit my page please sign the guestbook ill be updatin alot today so look for some new pics/and everything else stay coo everywun "wun"...


iight my bad yall i went outta town had to go visit family so i aint updated in tha past 3 days ill get back to updatin tonight or tomorrow just depends on if i feel like updatin or not but anyways while im gone how comes aint noone send me no fan art art thong pics or anything something is wrong here whats wrong with you girls lol but im out so stay coo "wun"...


iight i added some more ugly bitches and some more fake pictures right now im tryin to find some good fonts and wallpapers and shyt plus update all the other links so they will be up soon so STOP FUCKIN TRYN TO RUSH ME :) but anyways since thats outta the way thanks to all thats helped and supported me on there links yall know who u r and if some of u can make me fan arts or art or whatever that would be coo too and ill add right away just email me um and let me know but ima get to updatin so stay coo "wun"...


well i didnt really do nothin today was too tired but ill update tomorrow "wun"...


iight day two i have been doin as much as i can im workin on the me part right now and addin a couple of little www links but not much workin on the me part but i have allmost all the pages with atleast 1 thing in it so dont hate it will be done soon so dont go hatin and sign the guest book and show me some love if there is anything u want like a background or anything let me know and ill add it on here for you and as far as my old website the eminem wun if anyone wants it ill drop it to um if they help me out wit some pics so keep that in mind but thats about it i added some thong and fan art ugly bitch's,and fake pics so keep checkin back "wun"...


wuz up i just started this page from my other 1 im not pullin all my old pics here so if u want on my webpage under thong or fan art or links or whatever ur gonna have to get ahold of me only thing im leavin alone is my guest book so hit that up and show me some love but i added some shit up on here so be cool it will all be up soon stay coo "wun" ......