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You wanna know about me? ME?! ..yeah I know, you've been waiting a looonnngg time for this one

If you love'll never let me let Christina do my hair, make~up, (with or without the hat..eek..I know, I love it when it's NOT ON me (I like alot of things better when they're not on me *cough*Bryan*cough*Jesse*cough*Mark*cough*), but my dad brought it back from Texas for me a few years ago when he went of buissness trips all the time..doesnt any more, but *shrug* he's technically retired, even though he's still in the military..I keep telling him he should've waited the couple more years he needed to be an outright colonel, instead of Lt. Colonel..ranting again, sorry), or pose me, OR EVER take a picture of me after she's done any of the above..or at all..I love Chrisy an'all..but..*winces* I know, it's a terrible pic., it's scary, BUUUTTTT..I had to load my digital camera to get it, and my comp froze mid way through, I got a few pics of my "sis" and her family in it, and these couple of I figured I'd make Andy happy and put it up, no matter how much it sucks...or how much it scares him

Feel free to notice all the junk in the backgrounds of the pic.s (instead of looking at me *sweet smile*), cuz that's how my entire basement is..well actually..just about 25 sq. feet right there by the tv. Otherwise, *doesnt included the comp. room portion* it's not too bad.

I, Michelle Allison Maynard was born on April 21, 1986 in..Illinois..on some Naval base..or was it Airforce..oh well, think it was Airforce actually..but um..anyway..I just wanted to put something really egotisitical, and..I screwed it up.."oh well".

Please dont come stalk, kill, kidnap, etc. dont want'd bring me back in 5'd be a waste of your semi~value~able I need to make it any more clear?!! No? Ok. Good, cuz I'd annoy the hell outta you before you got the chance to slit my throat, and you'd just throw me out a window, or out a car door, and I'd somehow survive, and it'd be curtains for you bub!..uh..I just kinda blew my plan for anybody stalking me didnt I? Now they know just to kill me before I can say a word/move/breathe.."oh well", I like long car rides. Mr./Mrs./Miss Stalker Person, can you make sure we fly 1st class if you take me on an airplane? Cuz I'd much rather go on an airplane than a car..thanks *hugs Stalker*...I still have this obsessive, overly~paranoid fear of Bryan doing anything listed in this pharagraph, if you knew/know him, you('d) understand why I think that..I keep expecting to get this knock on my basement door some night, or maybe just break the door down, (it's an old house, old door, parents asleep right above the comp. room where the door is, but they both sleep like the dead) *sweet smile* that's why I keep my "The COMPLERE TALES AND POEMS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE" on the left hand corner of my desk. It's like, I good 10 lbs thing, could at least stun him! *giggle*

Yeah, yeah, yeah..I know, I havent really said anything about me yet, but I havent been to bed yet (like normal. 7-16-02) and my head hurts. Talking about myself really bores me, and I rant, which bores me more, so I dont know why I do it. So, I'll just finish it later..which means, if it's like everything else I say I'll finish later..I might get it done before I

My Writings: (only have a poem up right now)

"Physical" Links to my Other Pages:

My Home Page
Real Ghosts
Ghost Stories
****FAV. LINKS (dont click here, I'm warning you)****
Drink Deeply and Dream
Reapers of Blood
