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Subject: Extreme Priority – Things to do Objet: Priorité Extrême – choses à faire URL: Due to some problems faced, until there is a new image, there will not be any images zip folder presented. (ENCODED - different - ENCODÉE – différent) My studies that are about to be finalized soon, if not interrupted by court action and then military service all over again, should have ended years ago and I should have started my career years ago; since the former land is the main responsible party for this turmoil to expand and since any factors associated with that for which they haven’t found any solution, I think I need to be paid money more generously due to deprivations. I am facing lost time and lost years and at a young age it may seem far too absurd for somebody to complain about lost years but death can come at unexpected times and people no matter how young or old may face unexpected diseases, accidents and things to change their lives, so for somebody that lives his life no matter how long or short or no matter what the age is, things to do are infinite, but it’s much likelier for somebody young to have things to do and have a chance to realize them. I am at a position of poverty for the sake of deprivation to benefit others, who I hope will never have an age on this earth to enjoy the times she is with me and I ask of God to let her never have the health or the chance to live in peace always living to feel the concern of life and I hope she will be in despair and never have a chance to be cured and I hope I will have out-survived her and be able to become her widower. I hope she will die because of becoming the symbol of obstacles and keeping me in detention for the benefit of others, working against my interests and my liberty. I hope she will die young of cancer or something like that and I hope it will not be a peaceful loss of life. I also hope the ones that had the opinion of bringing her back will also face the same destiny and let this be my curse as I ask this of God per each moment I breathe in captivity, poverty and unrest. I hope before she loses her life she will yell a lot and ask God for claiming her life much earlier. I hope my unborn children of liaisons that I tried without depending on a sick relation of doubts and concerns will not have a chance to endure her generations either. I ask of this from God because I have found out sadly that I am in the most vulnerable young age group for suffering a stroke and I have to spend more time outdoors than indoors and face provocations and risk of suffering a stroke as statistics show that Monday always is a dangerous period of time to suffer strokes within each week, sitting before the computer makes me spend energy because I have to think and be forced to spend tremendous efforts and face loss of stability of metabolism and even though I had cut off majority of soft drinks to be away from a diaphragm squeeze, it still has not gone away because I have nerve related, psychological syndromes that I have to suffer and this is some factor intimidating me all the time, and not having a regular life and a partnership also forces me into such factors and I am unemployed for over three years now, which also places me into a critical condition, and there doesn’t seem to be a job offer to take me out of this hell at all and I will have been an unemployed man with my diploma in my hand all over with the only remaining to be unemployed officially, and no aid seems to come. I do not wish to have spent my entire 30 years of life in the middle of nothing for having done nothing, only because some are supposed to benefit from my life and I am supposed to live with it. Do you remember the famous dialog between Julius Caesar and the foreteller who said he would die on March 15th? Julius Caesar, when he saw him said he is still alive, and the man of sorcery replied, the day is not yet over. Chaos takes pieces of my life away from me and places nothing else instead of losses, if there would be no stability in my life, what would or could happen? I went out twice out of homes to find myself under police probation without a reason. The former land says all the fight is done for me and adds that because of strong resistance she cannot realize it. I know that one cannot be an antagonist and a protagonist at the same time for the same person, so I will tell what I have to tell only once: The former land used a mass destruction weapon to end a war; if she will not use something of the same impact this time, not necessarily a weapon of that kind, but it can well become some other thing to flex muscles, she has to do it now against them because this is also a war meant to be ended and if this will not be done now, it will have been a double standard against those that unfairly were perished for the sake of not expanding a war. If the ones that had their lives spared had lives of value, so should mine at least as much as they had. So this is a chance to prove it all, as things were massively clear cut then as ought to be now, otherwise what I believe in, which is that all is against me will have been proven. And now I wish to finalize it all for today and remind that I WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR NEXT 48 HOURS AGAIN; I PUT MYSELF AT TREMENDOUS RISK NEEDING TO CORRESPOND SO IF SOMETHING WILL COME, THEN I WILL MAKE IT AVAILABLE TO YOU BUT IF I WILL SEE ANY PROVOCATIONS I WILL NOT HESITATE RESPONDING BACK BECAUSE THERE ARE STILL TRIAL DATE DECLARATIONS AND MILITARY SERVICE OBSTACLE. And now here it is. The tape for today starts, with one of the numbers registered to a maternity ward of a famous former land hospital and the other belongs to a company that produces care products. The call recorded yesterday during morning hours there lasts around five minutes. 1: This is supposed to be no longer what we are to bother. But it seems we have to focus on this sh.. for much longer. 2: We have tried everything but couldn’t intimidate him at all. But there can be only one single path left. We have to act during night hours when he is asleep and we will appear with a search warrant and get in there to get him under custody. Only then we can get him totally unprepared. This is supposed to be the way; and we can always blame on some messages sent somewhere. 1: Okay, so be it. But this is supposed to be secret and must be accomplished before morning hours, he will be taken there and will be scrubbed a little bit and placed back; it will be better if the next day he won’t appear to write. 2: Alright. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
