Location:New York (USA)
Birthday:June 9, 1992 (SAME AS JOHNNY DEPP!!!)
Message Names: AIM, Mel76937
Hair/eye color: Brown hair brown unique.
Family Members: Mom's house:Mom, Grandma, Grandpa
Dad's house:Dad, stepmom, older stepbrother, younger stepsister, younger half-brother, younger half-sister
Pets:Mom's house:Cats:4, Scampers, Snitch, Patches, and Smokey. Dog:Buddy Turtle:Sparky Fish:B.F.
Dad's house: Cat: Jojo and her 4 kittens Dogs:1, Bandit
Hobbies: JOHNNY DEPP! (is that even a hobby?) using the computer, sports, Cats (duh!), listening to music and watching movies.
Talents:Dancing, singing, soccer, basketball, track, playing flute, and being hyper!
Favorite color:Yellow
What I'd like to be when I get older:An actress on Broadway or something like that, hopefully Cats will be back on Broadway when I get there.

CATS and other musical info.
Favorite Cats:Victoria, Rumpleteazer, Jemima, Munkustrap, Rum Tum Tugger, and Mungojerrie
Favorite Songs:Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats,Invitation to the Jellicle Ball, The Jellicle Ball, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, and Macavity.
Least favorite songs:Moments of Happiness (except for when Jemima sings), Gus, and any others I seem to fast forward through or don't pay attention to.
How I got into liking Cats:I saw the video, then I saw it live, then I got the video for Christmas one year.

That's it! If ya wanna know anything else about me, e-mail me!

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