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Singing For Jesus

Hello, I am a Christian women called to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and yours. I was raised to know the truth as a child. As I got older, I thought I could do things on my own. But 12 years ago, I realized I was so wrong. I did need my Lord and Savior to lead my life. God has truly blessed my life. I have a wonderful husband, children and grandchildren. I want them to know that Jesus loves them, no matter what. And that is what I want the world to know also. God has blessed me with so many things. Things that I would not have ever appreciated before. I thank Him for my parents, family, and for Godly friends, as each are such a big part of my life. I have had the opportunity to sing at several local churches and nursing homes in my area. I have also been blessed to sing in Branson, MO and Nashville, TN in 2003. I thank God for every experience that He has blessed me with. I sing Southern Gospel and Contemporary Christian style music. I love to share what God has done for me. If you know of a church wanting someone to minister in song and testimony, Please E-mail me Remember, Jesus Loves You

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