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Audio Masters



Welcome to my list.

I try to keep my list as up to date as I can... that said, I do tend to become lazy with it. I put the last update date on the top of the pages, so if it's been quite a while since the last update, chances are, it's out of date.

I ask that anyone I deal with please read these guidelines:

  • Don't contact me about trades, unless I ask for it in a want thread/post/etc. I'm not an active trader, for the most part, and I really only like to get things I actually want. Because of that, I'll contact you.
  • AIM on my computer is finicky for one reason or the other. For that reason, I prefer online audio trades to be conducted with SendSpace, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, etc.
  • NO online videos of any kind accepted. That includes online videos burned to DVD.
  • Please label all DVDs you send to me. I prefer it if you don't write on the discs, but that's not a requirement, as long as you are neat.
    At the very least, please notate on a little slip of paper what is on the DVD. Thank you.
  • I don't put my contact info on this site for a reason. If you are viewing this page, you likely got the link from a trading site. My contact info is there. Please see the referring site for my contact information.
  • If you'd prefer, I will sell DVDs. My rates are $6/DVD ($8 for a two-disc show) and 2/$10 (or, $5 for the second... so a two-disc show and a one disc would be $13, two two-discs would be $15)
  • I'm an understanding trader. If something comes up that will delay your end of a trade, no worries; just let me know about it. I'll do the same for my end.


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