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Free Beer
Let the music go straight to your head

August, 2005,
Man it's been a long time. Sorry about the hiatus, we had a busy summer. We've played a series of shows now, and have gotten to the point where we're all comfortable and enjoy playing in front of larger crowds. This month proved to be fairly busy, but starting September we'll have a show just about every weekend. Look at the shows page for details. We're also about to move our modest website to a larger domain, with the name being I'll post it up when that's up and running. We're also getting some isound type stuff set up, and we have a live demo ready and giving them away to anybody who asks for one. Other than that, there's not too much I can say. We're playing an ENTIRELY ACOUSTIC SHOW September 3rd, 2005, at Cool Beans. That should be a nice change...seriously, we've practiced entirely acoustic for three nights now and every night I get more excited. We hope to see ya'll there, cover's free, so no excuses! Ya'll take care.

Will Smith

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Nostalgia (a song Billy Gewin and I did in the winter of '03) full length mp3
Billy Gewin
Ponier Music
Andrew Burn's band's isound
Directions to Cool Beans
Directions to The Warehouse
Our Pure Volume
Flyer for September 3rd
