We Are The World - The Story Behind The Song - Recorded 1985 DVD Release 2005 (Not Rated)

Featuring: (In alphabetical order)

Year of Release: 1985 (DVD Release 2005)
Rated: Not Rated
Approx. Running Time: Program: 52 minutes, Bonus Features: 206 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 2 Stars (Out of 5)

"We Are The World" Music Video:

From Back Cover:

WE ARE THE WORLD is about the making of a miracle. It's the story of a dream that became a song, then an eve4nt and finally a worldwide movement with one vitally important goal: to help put an end to world hunger.

On January 28, 1985, 45 of the biggest names in popular music got together to record WE ARE THE WORLD. The song raised millions which enabled USA for Africa to help those in need. The organization is still active 20 years later. WE ARE THE WORLD is more than a moving collection of words, pictures and music - it is a living piece of history.

My Comments:

As much as I love the song, this DVD really isn't worth buying or watching. Save yourself the trouble and just watch the video on YouTube. Actually, I've saved you the trouble of even doing that and have posted the music video here.

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Not Rated (MPAA)
2 Stars
1985 (Year Of Release)
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