One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - 1975 (Not Rated)


Year of Release: 1975
Rated: Not Rated
Director(s): Milos Forman
Approx. Running Time: 133 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 4 stars


From Back Cover:

"Funny, shocking, powerful. A film of almost elemental force."
-Gene Shalit, "TODAY"/NBC-TV

When free-spirited petty crook Randle P. McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) arrives at the state mental hospital, his contagious sense of disorder jolts the routine. He's on one side of a brewing war, soft-spoken, cooly monstrous Nurse Ratched (Lousie Fletcher) on the other. At stake is the fate of every patient on the ward.

Seen here in revitalized digital transfer from refurbished elements, this electrifying adaptation of Ken Kesey's acclaimed bestseller swept all five major 1975 Academy Awards. Best Picture (produced by Saul Zaentz and Michael Douglas), Actor (Nicholson), Actress (Fletcher), Director (Milos Forman) and Adapted Screenplay (Lawrence Hauben and Bo Goldman). Raucous, searing and with a superb cast that includes Brad Dourif, Danny DeVito and Christopher Lloyd in his film debut, it soars.

My Comments:

This movie sat unwatched in my collection for years. I bought it because I'd heard great things about it, but for whatever reason I just never gave it a chance. And that's a real shame because this movie certainly deserves the praise it receives. It is funny, it is touching, it is heartbreaking and it is wonderful.

Probably more 4.5 stars than 4.

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