Death to Smoochy - 2002 (R)


Year of Release: 2002
Rated: R
Director: Danny DeVito
Approx. Running Time: 109 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 5 stars (Out of 5)

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From Back Cover:

Kids love him. TV execs adore him. Sheesh, it's enough to make out-of-work kiddie-show host Rainbow Randolph puke purple. Ever since that plush, fuchsia-hued, platitude-spouting Smoochy the Rhino started Jiggy Ziggy-dancing in Randolph's time slot, he has just one mad goal: turn the rhino into a dead duck.

Danny DeVito takes the rhino by the horn to direct and co-star in this gleefully twisted skewering of children's TV. Robin Williams, his famed wit set at warp, plays ranting Randolph. Edward Norton is the high-minded goodnik whose righteous-rhino creation becomes a sensation, and Catherine Keener portrays a jaded exec who likes kid-show hosts in, let's say, a grown up way. Say nite-nite, rhino!

My Comments:

Robin Williams plays his role of the manic Rainbow Randolph perfectly. Whether he's being set up by the cops, attempting suicide, sabotaging Smoochy's props, or tricking Smoochy into performing at a Nazi rally, he does everything with the perfect mix of humor and humanity (however flawed and sick it may be). Truly a hilarious and devilishly twisted movie!

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