Featuring The Voices Of:
Year of Release: 2006
Rated: PG
Director(s): John A. Davis
Animation Studio: Warner Bros.
Approx. Running Time: 89 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 3 stars (Out of 5)
From Back Cover:
"A Must-See for the Whole Family!"
-Tony Senecal, FOX-TV
When you're as small as an ant, the world is big - and adventure is even bigger! That's what young Lucas learns after he aims his water pistol at some hapless ants. They retaliate with a secret potion that shrinks "The Destroyer" to their size...and turns an anthill into a mountain of thrills, action and laughs! Julia Roberts, Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep, and Paul Giamatti head the voice cast of this rollicking, warm-hearted family treat.
My Comments:
You're probably thinking to yourself, "Do we really need another F-ing animated movie about ants?" Well, yes and no. This movie is a little bit different than AntZ or A Bug's Life in that the focus of the film isn't on the insects but rather on a young boy. Besides, neither of those other movies had Bruce Campbell, and everything is better with Bruce.
Based on a children's book of the same name, and co-produced by Tom Hanks, the movie teaches children about cruelty - how it isn't right to pick on someone just because they're smaller or weaker than yourself. And Lucas, the ant bully, learns this the hard way when he is forced to live among those he had previously terrorized.
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