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2004 (c)
Hey everyone! Welcome to my webpage! If I had to describe myself, I'd probably say I'm a musician trapped in the body of a law's gonna pay the bills, music will keep me happy.  It's music that got me through the first year of law school alive-- at least somewhat.  I've played the piano for the past 16 years, and I learned the guitar a year ago.  Since then I started writing my own music and lyrics.  This webpage is a way for me to share my music; I create music because I love it, not because I want to profit.  So feel free to email me comments, questions, criticism, anything.  Take a listen to some of my tunes!  The full album is entitled "Naked Truths," 8 tracks total, here are 4 for now.  The vocals have not been touched up at all, and my songs are a representation of what's going on in my life- my real, "naked" emotions.  So listen and enjoy! You can contact me at to find out about the album and give me some feedback. Happy listening!
"Naked Truths"
Casualty of War
Law School Lament: No Identity
***  All content herein, including music, lyrics and information are the property of Suzanne Leeds.  Unauthorized use of this material is a copyright infringement, violators will be punishd to the full extent of the law.  Suzy Brooke 2004 (c)
-I"d like to give a special thanks to Tommy Doyle for helping me record the album, and doing some killer backup guitar and bass- you rock!
-Nic, thanks for all the support, you really are the best :)
-Als, you know I love you!
-I'd like to give a special thanks to Tommy Doyle for his help in recording the tracks, and playing some killer backup guitar and rock!
-Nic, thanks for all your support, you're the best, love you baby :)
-Als, you know I love you, you're my world!
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