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The September 2007 poetry project consists of writing one poem per day in the month of September and putting it up for public consumption regardless of its state of completion.


Poem 9. Real

Do you care if I wear sweatpants and a T-shirt with a hole on backwards,

no lipstick or mascara?

I never wear make up anyway.

My Birkenstocks with socks -- one thin and beige, one thick and white with pink stripes, pink heels.

Do you care if I haven't showered in days or shaved my legs?

If I lie across a half made bed with books piled and spiralled around me?

I want to see the real you.

I'm opening a vein. A risk

When I show you me from the inside.

This the pain I can't identify

But pain all the same.

I can't name it. It's in me, in my blood, in my sweat, in my saliva, in my breath.

Permeating Every cell.

Unabating sandess. The will to die.


I am empty every day.

When I bleed all over the floor, will you help me clean it up?

I want to know more about you and 

Whatever remains when you're done with the dramatics.





©Rachel Levine 2007