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The CBC Reports a Fire at Cote St. Luc and the Decarie

a Haiku in multiple parts

by Rachel Levine


At Decarie and

Cote St. Luc, CBC warns

Of a house-fire.


A house-fire is

Not just a report between

Traffic and weather.


Flames in a window

Fourth story, graffiti on

The fire escape.


I see from my car

Ambulance, flames, fire trucks

from the Decarie.


No one cares about

this Cote St. Luc apartment

Graffiti strewn walls.


Bernard St. Laurent

Says the fire is spreading

I am in traffic.


Someone’s house burning

Bed, plant, pillow, blanket and

Cereal boxes.


She could have two young

Children or smoke crack and hash

Or work at a Dep.


The paper does not

Say whose apartment burned down.

Today or the next.


©Rachel Levine 2008