The mystical music of Simon Ball, download free mp3s. to download songs, just click on the links below. if that doesn't work, right click on them, then "save target as". if you like any of the songs, then please vote for them on the SIMON TOP 10 COUNTDOWN. some of them have samples of the full versions of about 300k if you can't be bothered to wait. please email me or leave a note in the guestbook if there are any dead links. and CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO THE MAIN PAGE. (all songs written by simon ball, that's me).


DEMOS - yo, i've got a whole bunch of new tunes that are mildly upbeat; i'm fed up of playing wussy shit - i want to do some pumping bluesrock stuff. but they're all just a bunch of demos at the mo, so the singing is beyond a joke and they've just got guitar from a dictaphone. i'll record them properly at some point maybe. go down the page a bit if you want to listen to any good recordings.

sammy_zee_demo.mp3 (3.55M) - this new tune is going to be immense. i wrote it yesterday and it is about a girl called sammy zee. these are the lyrics (i had my rhyming boots on for this one) and some of it is pretty funny.

lovesick_demo.mp3 (3.55M) - i've had this one for ages, but i can't write a second verse. lyrics.

scandal_in_soho_demo.mp3 (3.55M) - this girl called carys jones wrote the lyrics to this one. and it is the first time that i have tried writing to someone else's lyrics. i put some big riff to it and a nice little run down at the end of the chorus.

just_the_way_you_are_demo.mp3 (3.55M) - carys wrote these lyrics too, and it is a softer song, but i couldn't think what else to do with it.

fools_gold_demo.mp3 (3.55M) - this is called "the streets of london are paved with fools gold" and it is some proper cheap keyboard porn music, and i'm still going through my ocarina-strings-no-quarter-phase as well.

SUMMER 2004 - the axeman is back!! hi i've only recorded about one song in the last two years and that was shit anyway. but i'm back in the studio (my bedroom) to rock.

may_day_song.mp3 (3.55M) - may_day_song_sample.mp3 (0.28M) - this one has got two blues riffs and it's a bit like those stupid rap songs, where it's called "brian vs kevin" or whatever and you get two guys on the decks trying out do each other; here it is the verse riff and the chorus riff that are having a battle for supremacy. there's an acoustic 12 string solo, which means i am hardcore. and i made a drum kit for this one, so i'm excited about having real drums for a change. yeh it is a may day song, because i wrote it on may day when weird things happen, and it is funny because someone might think that it could have the double meaning and that it is a cry for help, but it is not really about that.

medieval_madness.mp3 (3.44M) - medieval_madness_sample.mp3 (0.28M) - taketh a walk with me through medieval england to explore the unknown horizons of your mind... i was inspired by the rain song bit of the song remains the same video where robert plant is on his horse fighting evil medieval soldiers to claim the hand of his fair maiden etc. i invented a new instrument for this song, which i call the ocardiona. it is a cross between an accordion and an ocarina, and you have to harness merlin's magical powers to be able to play it.

the_dawn_of_beltane.mp3 (4.06M) - the_dawn_of_beltane_sample.mp3 (0.27M) - yeh this song is proper chilled: i'm talking putting your trainers in the fridge level of chilledness. this might be my new direction, because i've been listening to loads of chilled out shit. but i'm trying hard not to forget how to rock.

hanging_out.mp3 (4.17M) - hanging_out_sample.mp3 (0.29M) - i don't normally bother with lyrics much, but i am certainly dropping some lyrical bombs on this bad boy. it is about finding more and more ingenious ways of wasting time and just hanging out with your mates. the singing is a bit shit, but the lyrics make up for it. it sounded a bit rolling stones-esque until i put a big guitar over it, and now it is as mean as a lunch-money-stealing mafia boss who is listening to acdc.

rainbow_road.mp3 (3.75M) - i haven't finished this one yet; it is a bit radioheady. i've got some chorus lyrics.

dendermonde.mp3 (2.34M) - acoustic tune. the lyrics are funny, because they are taking the piss, but being sincere at the same time.


travelling_riverside.mp3 (5.16M) - travelling_riverside_sample.mp3 (0.36M) - there is an unhealthy amount of riffage in this one. it is a museum to all of my best blues riffs, so noone had better steal any of them. its only got guitar, bass, and drums at the mo, but i'll put some harmonica, and singing on it at some point. its got a mint bass solo all the way through as well.

belgium.mp3 (0.76M) - my only experimentation with computer based music, includes rather psychedelic drum loops.

hillbilly_blues.mp3 (1.97M) - hillbilly_blues_sample.mp3 (0.24M) - a cookin bluesy tune telling the ballad of a geeza on the run from the law after stealing the whiskey off the girl of ol' big joe (co-written with rob).

intro.mp3 (1.86M) - mellow acoustic instrumental.

summertime.mp3 (2.21M) - acoustic-happy-sun-is-shining-kind-of-a-tune.

nanaue.mp3 (3.59M) - nanaue_sample.mp3 (0.40M) - this was my "expressive arts gcse" coursework, it wasn't summer 2002, but i didn't have anywhere else to put it. it is some hardcore rocking shit. it was inspired by the ancient hawaiian tale of nanaue, the sharkman. it's a bit of a gruesome tale: basically there's this half man half shark dude and he likes to eat children then the villagers gang up on him and burn him alive.


RANDOM THOUGHTS - i recorded 6 songs over summer 2001, and even though i've never seen an album with 6 songs on before, i'd like to claim that this is my first album. some of them are a bit soppy and depressing (you can probably tell by the titles), and the singing isn't amazing, but there's some phat bass solos. innit.

pyromania.mp3 (4.46M) - pyromania_sample.mp3 (0.24M) - piano music. i think that the lyrics are fantastic. and its got this crazy key change chorus thing.

life_stinks.mp3 (3.24M) - life_stinks_sample.mp3 (0.24M) - sad acoustic folky tune. there's a film called "life stinks" and there's one scene where a whole bunch of people start chanting, "life stinks" for no particular reason. (picking pattern courtesy of rob).

the_walls_of_my_life.mp3 (3.93M) - the_walls_of_my_life_sample.mp3 (0.23M) - i think that this song is a protest against losing our freedom, whether it some oppressive regime, or getting married etc.. some might say that the bass here "is wanking too much" or is "going off on one", but i'd like to say that it is "enjoying and exploring its freedom". there are some pretty crazy chords as well.

monday_mourning_blues.mp3 (3.38M) - monday_mourning_blues_sample.mp3 (0.24M) - this one started off as just a jamming track, some 12 bar blues with dodgy bass and keyboard drums, but it's got a phat guitar solo. admittedly its a bit indulgent, but i was listening to lynyrd skynyrd and zakk wylde quite a lot at the time.

blue_star.mp3 (3.60M) - blue_star_sample.mp3 (0.37M) - the rhythm in the chorus is pretty far out. and later in the song there is a crazy bass solo, and then an even crazier "ocarina" solo. i put this in inverted commas, because it is a keyboard ocarina, and sounds more like a chicken than an ocarina, but its cool to say i've got an ocarina solo in one of my songs.

another_depressing_spring.mp3 (6.46M) - another_depressing_spring_sample.mp3 (0.28M) - this was my first and last attempt at writing a sonnet. i think it summarises my hatred of daffodils. it's a bit of a long piano song, but the chords are nice, and its got a funky "classical epilogue".

BANDS THAT I'VE BEEN IN - i've started uploading the legacy of my rock n roll childhood onto the internet. i've been in a few bands, mainly playing the bass, and eventually, i think it would be nice to have a little corner of cyberspace for each of them, but it takes a while to upload a bunch of songs.

THE RATTLESNAKES were around from about 1999 to 2001. we were a true rock band and our influences included guns n roses, aerosmith, led zeppelin, black sabbath, ozzy, zakk wylde, jimi hendrix. i think the spirit of those bands comes through the music.

THE RATTLESNAKES (PHASE 2) were the rattlesnakes, but with two new guitarists. it was the same kind of heaviness.

THE CLUSTERBOMB FAIRIES is my most recent band. i think that it's a cross between queen, radiohead and system of a down (if you can imagine that).


i've listed all of the songs currently on the web page (including on all the band pages). please vote for your favourite tunes by clicking on them. you can vote for as many as you want. if you don't see the one you want, then click on "more links" and it will list the rest of them.

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