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Updated June 21st

This is Christine Speaking all the way from Germany! I don't know if anyone visits my site anymore, but if you do, welcome!

Now i would like to tell you about Germany, but i have been writing to people about it for ages so i wont. If you want to know, feel free to ring me or email me! But its great! Beautiful country! So much history and soooooo many shops!

Now about all of the stuff missy has written. I think i need to set a few things straight. Missy is THE champion. Any fool knows that I am the champion of the world. Missy is the ruler of the world - the infinite space and underneath her is me is the keeper of who-knows-what *wink wink*

Now there are many people who are cute in the world. Ryan! Ryan is anyones eyecandy. The guy i caught the plane to Germany with. He was cute as! He was soooo nice! He walked me to my gate in Austria! and heaps of other people.

Just to set the facts straight and so you know everything: I am in love with peter, luke (erika's god borther!!), hot 35 year old from plane and (*dribble dribble*) ryan!!!! Missy is in love with ???? I cant remeber his name at the moment but i will tell you all when i do. They went to the ???? together last year and were always with each other. awwwwwwww. love at first site!

Also Suzie keen loves David and Ben Morgan - for all those who know Suzie, and Irwan thinks Erika is hot as! Well, thats all the goss for now. Cyaz all later!

Anyway! I am going to have a random thought of the day section

Random thoughs of the Day

Irwan is dopey
Ryan is cute
Mick is a mate
Tin will rule the universe!

Kewl Horse Thing"


I have decided that tin needed to get a tagboard!!! So yeh here it is! Peoples... start your tagging!!!!