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When we started this endeavour we never imagined where it would lead and the people we would meet. The reality of how this band got started is not really a question with an answer. All that I can say is that we are a group of musicians that love honoring God with our gifts. God has truly blessed us beyond all reason. I am sure that neither of us would have imagined the road before, nor do we yet. In the mean time we are just a Christian band that loves to praise God. To him be all of the Glory. He is our Lord and Master. Although some of us have been together for about 5 years now, some of us just getting started. The members of the band can be found on the members page so please check that out. Also check out some our pics on our pics page. You can also email us and lots of other things through this site. We are looking for some opportunities to minister to your local church and community. If you think you might be interested please give us a buzz by email at Go ahead and check out the rest of the site and may God minister to your heart. Glory to our Father in the Highest! Hosana to the King of Kings!
Meet the Members
Songs written by Test of Faith
E-mail Us!
Were Can I See Test of Fatih?
How Can I Book Test of Faith?
Prayer Requests
Why Do We Do The Things We Do
Links Page
Tell us about your youth,band, or church!
Awesome Man of God: Steve!
How To Be Saved!