
ok, well you found this place...way to go. this is the profile off a poetry site that i am on, i added it in here for the heck of it. why not.noone will find this anyway......
have fun reading it.........:)
ps...see if you can find the hidden websites.....

oh also, i added a pict of my friend Garry who is currently out in Cali in the Marines....just because i can. HA!

"Because we do not know when we are going to die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well and yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood? An afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you cannot conceive of your life without it? Perhaps 4 .... 5 times more. Perhaps not even that. How many times will you watch the full moon rise ...... Perhaps twenty and yet it all seems limitless. This is the point of view this character is coming from in the whole film, because it has brought sharply into focus how precious each moment of his life was. This is the best role I have had the opportunity to get my hands on".--Brandon Lee ---RIP MY WRITEING: my writeing style is very free form. most often then not i just start to type and let it flow. i hardley ever spell check, unless i was typing really fast and know i made some awful errors, so if you like nice spelling and structure you'll hate me. i type what feels right at that moment and i let it all hang out. occasionally i ryme but i hardly ever try and you'll be able to tell when i do! i hope you enjoy my messy mind. *happy* OTHER STUFF ABOUT ME: red hair, green eyes, too short. thats me. i love to paint and draw, so go see some of my art. the link to it is below under 'my homepage' its all copywrited, SO DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! im also really into other cultures, to be more specific the ancient egptian culture. i know mostly about the old pharonic religion, and i am slowly teaching myself how to speak there language. i can traslte very basic heiroglyphics and write a few. ps..go aheah and im me, im hardley ever on but go ahead and leave a messege....aim: Nakhti Miwsher6 MISSION: I am a huge animal freak, and will one day hopefully own my own animal sanctuary for disabled and elderly animals--basically the otherwise healthy pets that no-one wants to take care of b/c the human race as a whole are lazy screw-ups. DONT ABANDON YOUR PETS JUST BECAUSE YOUR LAZY OR THERE NOT "PERFECT". currently, i have three dogs, my little rat, four cats, a ferret and abt 6 pet mice. there are birds and turtles and such too, but i dont take care of them, they belong to others in the house so i wont mention them. i currently work at a local animal hospital/kennel, no i am not a vet and i dont want to be b/c if an animal died on my table i dont think i could forgive myself...yes i know, animals sometimes just cant be saved but it would still be too much for me to take. MUSIC!!!: I am also a big music freak. such harmonies that tickle my fancy are --in no paticular order--- , Velvet Acid Christ Staind, Jack Off Jill, Cradle of Filth, Dargaard, Rammstein, AP2, Crisis, Rob D, Fluke, Motograter, Sezen Aksu, Moon Hee Jun, Rob Zombie, Afro Celt Sound System, Dave Mathews Band, Bjork, Cheb Mami, DJ Shadow, U2, Sunny Day Real Estate, Nirvana, old Metallica, some KoRn, Lacuna Coil, Art of Noise, Led Zepplin, Janis Joplin, Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, System of a Down, David Bowie, Panacea, Static-X, PRMN5K, MAnson, flogging molly, the pixies, apartment 26, TooL, baxter, unkle, argyle park, at the dirve in, and tons more. BODY ART RAMBLE: i feel i should address my standpoint on the body as art issue. for thoase of you who talk to me frequently know this is a subject i am knowlegeable and passionate abt. anyway, all body mods are complaetly acceptable as far as im concerned, and yes i am includeing plastic surgery and sex changes. well, let me modify that statement, MOST plastic surgery. im not happy with breast implants b/c they promote the big boob's are the only good boobs way of thinking and i dont like people who change there faces/bodies to look like someone else [aka mtv's i want a famouse face] to thoase people i say I HOPE YOU GET A ROARING INFECTION B/C YOU WERE JUST FINE BEFORE AND YOU WERE TOO STUPID AND COUGHT UP IN THE MEDIA TO SEE THAT ABOUT YOURSELVES. personally i plan on being almost totally covered in tat's by the time i die, i only can afford six right now. i am not planning on many peirceings (but i do have a ring in my right nostril), other than a few surface ones and up and down my ears, but thats just b/c i dont think i would look good with them and with my job most would get in the way. i have some scarrification or branding planned, although im leaning more tword branding. to me body mods are a lifestyle not a fad, something to be taken spiritually, not just something to show off to your pals. MY BODY ART PHILOSOPHY: body mods arent about showing off or fitting in or any of that fad crap. they are about expressing something about yourself that you cant express any other way. they are about being happy in your own body and modifieing your physical body to better acomidate your spiritual body. like, you buy a new home and as you stay in it longer you grow to want to change things, maybe add a bedroom or paint a wall or take out that ugly kitchonette. body mods are the same, just some home re-modeling to suite it's inhabitor. my only problem with body mods are when people change there home to fit someone elses idea, its YOUR home take out that ugly kitchionette if you want to but dont do it if one of your friends or the tv tells you that the kitchionette is ugly. [by the way, you might want to get rid of that side patio, it makes you look like a just saying....] ESCAPE AND FANTASY: im also a huge movie fan. loves include: The Crow , anything with Bruce Lee (RIP) in it, 13 Ghosts/hackers/slc punk---> or anything else with Matthew Lillard in it [yum!]---, any Hellraiser exept maybe the last one-- it just has lost so much of its pure gore value, Moulon Rouge and Romeo and Juliette (same director), anything with Seth Green cuz he's the shit, and The Mummy, LORD OF THE RINGS (two towers kicked ass!),Dune, The Matrix's, Legend, Labrynth, anything directed by Tim Burton- GO SEE BIG FISH!, X-men's, Memento, Identity, Fight Club, almost any disney cartoon-movie--who cares if they were perves, we all grew up with them and we all love them so shut up about the little mermaid penis's--, The Cell, The Last Unicorn--yeah, i cherish the movies from when i was a wee gal, not to mention it was an awsome book--, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Event Horizon, and Dark City among many others. LISTEN UP: I am currently on the radio at my college on WCEB 91.9 FM Corning NY, if anyone is in the vicinity.i play awsome music! LISTEN!!!!!! Im on Tuesday's at 1-3pm and fridays at noon to 1, listen to me b/c i play good stuff. SONGS THAT HAVE BEEN PLAYING OVER AND OVER IN MY HEAD LATELY: ----Is Your Love Strong Enough? by Bryan Ferry----- just ONE step at a time and closer to Destiny i KNEW at a glance there'd ALWAYS be achance for me with someone i could LIVE for nowhere i'd rather be is your LOVE strong enough? like a rock in the sea am i asking to much? just one beat of your HEART and stranger than fantasy i knew from the START it HAD to be the place for me someone that i WOULD die for there's no way i could EVER leave is your love strong enough? like a rock in the sea am i asking to much? is your love strong enough? JUST ONE BEAT OF YOUR HEART ------Terrible by ICP------- oh my GOD look at that, turn it up please, poor nancy kerrigan, Sweet little knees, somebody took a black thing and went Thump, thats TERRIBLE we heard about it for MONTHs what about that one NOBODY guy that they found, dead in the grass with his dick in his ass, PLUS there was more, but you wont recall cuz micheal jackson just got Squeezed up on some little kids balls, what you considere DRAMA aint all that, its just that you WACK, with your intergallactic satalite data compress, yes, but we Cant feed the homeless, then oj's WACK story unfolded, and everybody watched THAT while oklahoma exploded, 900 really good reasons why this world really DONT care, thats when it calls for a wheelchair! what YOU know bout trerrible? YOU DONT KNOW WHASTS TERRIBLE terrible You Dont Know Whats TERRIBLE yeah, she's so terrible you gotta beat you bitch ass wack mother fucker! LORDY LORD have we got a protest man, some rock and roll ninja bit the head off a bat, was watching his concert and Channeled to HELL, cuz he's so FUCKING TERRIBLE, meanwhile his record sell's double and triple cuz of YOU heard about him rubbin his nipple, RELIGIOUSE shit you helped them band, INSTEAD of helping them people eatin out of thoase grabage cans, when your Done with that bitch COME PROTEST ME, shit muther fucker i could use the money, the whole world was cryin when Kurts gun went bang, but when eazy-e died though it wasent no thang, rapper dies of aids but YOU hardley mention, rocker BLOWS his face off and becomes a legend, heroin and a shotgun, a hero is made, maybe I should do that shit so J can get paid are your kids so terrible you gotta BEAT on them too you DRUNK muther fucker! REBEL FLAG in your schools, REBEL FLAG in your parks, REBEL YELL in your courtrooms, REBEL FLAG, in your hearts, REBEL FLAG stood for slavery, REBEL FLAG stood for war, stood for hatred but go ahead and hang your flag up some more DONt worry bout my goddamn flag boy, whats terrible is you rappers cursein'... the COUNTRY we live in was built by slaves, beat down and murdered and stuffed in there graves, you put a slave owner on the one dollar bill and you wonder why i KILL PEOPLE bombs are blowin up, cops are corrupt and all you care about is who the president fucked you DONT KNOW TERRIBLE but you will, ass SOON as our wagons come over the hill! WHAT YOU KNOW BOUT TERRIBLE? terrible YOU DONT KNOW WHATS TERRIBLE! ---------Enfilade by At The Drive In-------------- This could last us all a lifetime limbs intact, untouched on the screen of a video tape confined to bedposts we wait as lepers upheld at knife's reach we covet all the status quo this syringe will take a lifespan it's filled with bait and tackle try and catch us if you can sacrifice on railroad tracks freight train coming unconscious tied and gagged freight train coming meet us at the corner of fifth and pontiac make sure that no one else is with you if you wish to see them alive again then humor me with this request humor me with this request in basements we will hide amnesia in our alibis they kept a close eye on your get well incentive ---------Black by Pearl Jam------ of empty untouched sheets sheets canvas of clay out before me once did her lace spread as her body All five horizons revolved around her soul as the earth to the sun tasted and breathed and all i tought her now the air i has taken a turn was everything gave me all that she wore hands chafe i know she and now my bitter beneath the clouds OF WHAT WAS EVERYTHING? have all been washed in black the pictures tattooed everything... outside im sourrounded at play i take a walk by some kids laughter so why i can feel there do i sear? oh twisted thoughts that spin round in my head oh im spinning can drop away im spinning how quick the sun bitter hands and now my cradle broken glass OF WHAT WAS EVERYTHING? all the pictures have been washed in black, tattoed everything..... gone bad to black all the love truned my world tattoed all i see all i am all i'll be yeah I KNOW SOMEDAY YOU'LL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LIFE I KNOW YOU'LL BE A STAR somebody sky why? cant be in elses but why it me? WHY CANT IT BE MINE?

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