Other Stuff in my Life....

This is my radio name-sake, and my first professionally done tattoo. It is me if i were a real cat...............

Heffer.... hehehehehe

love this panel (its bosch by the way, hell side)

This is my 5th tattoo, my second profesionally done tat. it is Johnny the homicidal maniac, go read his comic! if you like invader zim, then you'll love him......hey.. thats catchy...... johnny is tons better than zim though, also check out the comic Squee! :)

This is my buddy Will. He's a kooky cool guy, but dont be fooled, he's not as cool as he appears to the young freashman! :)

One of my doggies, Lucky. HOORAY FOR LUCKY! She is very old, but she is still my puppy.

this is my latest scar, fresh out of the emergency room, tee-hee. Click for a larger veiw of my swollen bloody lip, hehe

My Cat Nelson, lol. ps--> my mother named him after the 80's hair metal band Nelson, LOL. he's almost 18 years old.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, this is from chris's party (8/05)

Gee, i wonder when this was taken.....

everybody smile (can u tell i was drunk all night???)

Best Drunken Bud's

... GRRRRRRRRRR (fuck you too)

Blurry pict of me in my dress for the Marine Corps Ball... more pics to come later that arent blurry. :) (nov 05)