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Your maximum innovation solutions coaching resource is here:

Recommended reading: The Winner Effect: The Neuroscience of Success and Failure (Robertson)

Great book! You'll learn how to acquire and use power the right way, why some people handle it responsibly and others fail at that, the discipline of self-control, and the tension between power for the self and power for the good of others.

How does this relate to innovation? This book is more psychology/self-help than an innovation. Once you learn how to believe in your own sense of control and the inner benefits that brings, your confidence in your innovation abilities (and other life skills) will rise.

Your Max-i-Coach has arrived to fulfill some key missions:

1. Elevate every site visitor's innovation abilities

2. Coach them through all levels of proven innovation products and programs

3. In a plug for my home region: make Chicago an innovation hot spot for hi-tech and other startups, Fast Company style.

New Feature: My Innovation Page. My newest entry concerns how to get the Keystone XL pipeline project moving.

Keep coming here to read about more innovative ideas I have either generated on my own, or noticed elsewhere.

And now, back to i-coaching:

As Eric Lefkofsky stated in a Chicago Tribune interview last April. The Chicago area is deathly afraid of new ideas whether in business, education, or government. MIT and the Silicon Valley feeder Us get all the attention for so many hi-tech startups by their alumni. Chicago has two nationally-renowned higher learning institutions-Northwestern and the University of Chicago. How can they accelerate the development of hi-tech startups here? Is there any reason their I/T departments, through grad-level, should lag so far behind the Valley schools? Combine that with entrepreneurial programs in their business schools and the innovation and creative development tools from this site, and Chicago will become a "cool city" for I/T and other startups, raising its profile in the world of American business. Your Max-i-Coach knows it must start through empowering individual minds of aspiring, college-age, startup kings and queens.

The Your Max-i-Coach Principles of Business Conduct:

First: Coach-Teach-Educate

Second: Facilitate Buying of These Outstanding Products

Our Vision:

1. Supporting the DBSA (Depression and Bi-Polar Support Alliance)

2. Create True Sense of Accomplishment in Others

3. Create Your Outstanding New iTalent*!

If you find yourself facing the same old questions and obstacles again and again...Your Max-i-Coach will teach you how to overcome those issues for good with proven, guaranteed innovation coaching, tools, and training.

*innovation talent

You're Probably Wondering: In Just How Many Areas Can I Improve My Performance? My Innovation Skills? My Value in my Company or the Marketplace?

Imagine That You Can Succeed in All These Areas:

  • Start Your Own Business
  • Stand Out From the Crowd
  • Bring More Value To Your Company
  • Raise Your Income
  • Grow Your Business
  • Generate More Truly Innovative Ideas
  • Increase Your Market Share
  • Invent New Products
  • Close More Sales
  • Revitalize Your Career/Company
  • Improve Your Results
  • Plan Successful, Memorable Events
  • Feel Your Positive Mental Attitude Grow!

Your Max-i-coach has your answers.

What Makes the How Possible?

First, you need some background on the what that makes the how possible: most of us know about left-brained and right-brained people. The former rely on logic, formality, structure, the written word, and mathematical equations-their main learning-skill sets. Right-brainers (I'm one!) are more attuned to visual learning, one-on-one or small group settings, the big "Aha!", and learning by doing.

Yet there are more than two segments to the brain-and each segment is structured the same way...while using the exact same two-step process. It's time that we learn to use our whole brain instead of just the dominant side (left or right), and the time has come to use more than just these two known (to most people, anyway)sides of the human brain. Finally, best of all...learn to use your whole brain...completely, every time.

This site, which will reveal how to accomplish the above, is an affiliate of Solution People Innovation, a Chicago-based company founded in 1989 as a creativity and innovation coaching firm.

What About Solution People Innovation?

It was founded by Gerald Haman, whose alter ego is Solutionman! He is renowned nationally and internationally, both through facilitating innovation trainings around the world and through hosting the same at his Chicago headquarters for attendees from numerous states and nations.

Much like Apple, he has concentrated his firm's efforts on three main products: the KnowBrainer, the FlashBrainer, and the popular, enjoyable, and memorable Accelerated Innovation Trainings. do you learn to use your whole brain...completely, every time?

For Starters, Through Exciting, Unprecedented, Breakthrough Innovation Training Products That Will Make All This Within Reach for You. It All Starts Here With...

The KnowBrainer

See Our Other Max Innovation Products:

PC Version: the FlashBrainer

The iVersion

2-Day Accelerated Innovation Workshop (with the KnowBrainer)

IMPORTANT: When ordering or registering-if prompted-use Order ID#359727.

My Innovation Page

PRIVACY PLEDGE: We will never, ever, ever sell, rent, lease, or randomly pass out your name and contact information to any third party without your express permission. Also, this affiliate of mine has its own privacy guarantee and secure transaction processing.

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