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The Journal

Look at the qwiz results! | Take a qwiz that has nothing to do with hamsters! Pankakes 150 Band Journal

Pankakes 150 Journal


Okay, maybe I spoke too soon.......awell, it was getting long. -llama

we get to have another rehearsal today! Finally we're having them more often. jeffy's coming over again to re-record us, which is a good thing, cause I sounded horrible when we recorded "I Want to Know You More" cause I was singing all day and my voice was shot. I am prepared for anything now! Well, except killer guava melans taking over my onion rings.......



hi loyal fans! its sam. tthis weekends practice was rad!even sweller, we got invited to play at a christian haloween party!!woo!!bill!!ya, um were calling it the punk-in patch. that is because the yak in the toaster told us to!! muhaahaa!ya. thats about all. yeah, jeffy the sound guy is coming over today w/ the c.d. yay!by


I'm stupid. This morning I got on my scooter to catch up with my dad, who was jogging around the park, and Bud, who was riding his bike. When I caught up with them, I raced them back home. When I got onto the cement, I skid because the morning fog made it damp and made a big gash on my knee. I have a big gauze (whatever that is) on my knee, and a lot of band-aids. It still kinda hurts. It was fun, though. woo! -hurt llama

O, yeah, we re-did the Bios page. There's even more pointless info about us now! oh joy! oh franklin! oh llama! cheddar cheese. -llama


hi everyone! it is sam.little does the llama know, but late last night, jeffy came over and we finished our first c.d.!! it is now on disk!!the finshed product will be around friday, and panarchy members get a special edition free!!yas, thats right, with only 15 low paments of 12.92$, you can get a copy!!heehee, just kidding!! listen, i got to go


Uh........what's new? Well, I bought (well, my dad bought) two packs of new bass strings. They're Fender, they came with a free polishing cloth, and they were on sale for $10! woo! knee still hurts, but I still have to go to basketball practice. There aren't any band-aids covering it anymore so it stings a lot (again). I want that Fender Mustang!!! ok, salutations. -llama

10-oh,i think 23-02

hello. this is sam. i found my glasses!!yeah. beside the punkin patch(oct 31), we are not doing much. still kind of working on our c.d.yeah!it sounds really spiffly!!if you join the panarchy, you get an extra song(ohh, ahh)and a free shaved donkey inside a cherry coke with chunckey penut butter. i wish my bysicle worked. well


Well, I haven't heard how the CD turned out yet. I hope I can hear it tonight at church! I'm really eager! Uh.......we're gonna rehearse for the talen show and the "Punk-in Patch" on Saturday at "Jeffy" 's house. yay. the floor mats are back in town and not looking forward to any bank deposits this timE! -LlAmA

P.S. Visit the message boards some time! We need people to start them up! I'm 4JC if you see me on there.


well, last night was a jumpstart!!dont ask what that means, but so what. its sam, and it is crazy culetrual hat day @ school!! yeah. so we have some rad stuff happining for the punk-in patch. we will probably have a rad into. my cone, ed is coming. if you plan on attending, please bring traffic cones (if you dont own one, go feed a platapus a chesterfeild and say soft drink!). yes. we will probably re-record the worship songs and cheese factory because they need it. o.k. i must leave.


Hi. I got my new bass strings on. The sound awesome! Free Waffles: Living Room Edition sounds awesome! I'm glad the police finally caught the sniper! Something not to worry about anymore.

I'm working on a site about waffles just for the whatever of it! If you've totally forgotten about llamas, go to my other site Llama~Land. Don't forget about my personal Journal. Go eat a lobster and say it's hair is beautiful under an unbrella with a picture of a pelican on it! -llama


hi, its sofar is super slow and i am fairly hungery.a cool thing happened today. i was about to feed my dogs, and they already had food!!well yaeh, any ways, i cant wait to play the punk-in patch. its gonna be rad!!just to let everyone know, i am not curentlly eating chicken. the beaver in my ear told me not to.

ok, by

oh, yeah, i saw somthing amazing today. if you have ever wear boots and stomp your feet, it sounds like a bass pedal and feels really funny!!

Uh, the most interesting thing that has happened to me since my last entry was that the part of the computer table that held the keyboard and the mouse completely fell apart! We fixed it, though. I wanna learn Relient K's version of "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" for the Punk-in patch. We're gonna rehearse for it tomorrow at "Jeffy" 's house! If yu wanna visit my not finished waffle site just go to The Waffle Site. Tell me what ya think of it so far (I guess on the message boards). till THEN. -llAMA

Hi everyone. Yesterday's rehearsal went really well! We got our set list all figured out for the 31st. Here it is:

Set #1

Squirrel Song
Be Glorified
Bucket of Nothing
Cheese Factory
I Want to Know You

Set #2

Stir in Me
Light and Dark (new song)
Lord I Lift Your Name on High
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (rk version)
I Love Your Grace
Canadian Bacon

Yeah, so it's gonna be really fun! I have to make this short cause I gotta eat then go to Knott's Berry Farm! Go hug a hog! -llama

Oh, nuthin new. I just felt like posting an entry. I just had a great dinner! I'm really excited about the hallelujah party coming up! I'm being attacked by evil watermelons (again). Oh, yeah, one more thing. Even though we mention food a lot in our songs and stuff doesn't mean we're food crazy or somethin. peez. -da llama


hi, its sam. so the punk-in patch is coming up and i am all jiggy about it. we canceled our talent show act. yah, we would have to pay like some 40$ that we dont have. boo hoo.yeah. i am dressed like a bowler today. it is fun!! and it is terrable, the watermelon has attaked the rest of the band, i am the only surviver. the stars shine brightly over kansas.


I got my pictures developed from the ones I took at our last rehearsal! I'm gonna put them on a disk hopefully tonight (and if not, tomorrow) and put them on the site! Well, still exticed more than every about our gig coming up. Ed told me last night the the church is gonna call the whole party the "Trunk or Treat". Don't ask me where or why they came up with that name. Not even Sam, the weirdest guy you could possibly meet, understood it! Awell, we still wanna call our set the Punk-in Patch. later gator. -llama


hey, its sam. yeah, i made a post yesterday, and it dissappered!!woo!!i just read a really silly story about talking yams. dont ask, its kind of like the trunk or treak. odd name, that trunk or treat. i think it has somthing to do with swimming, but thats just my personal oppinion!!eat muffins!!



hey it is sam!the punk-in patch went well last night. i gracefully leaped off the stage and handed out lots pf pankakes 150 stickers(probably 30 or 40). we also tossed out like 2 bags of candy, but the parents revolted and pelted us during our last songs. oh, was spiffy, but really cold, but i was wearing my garage sale jaket. it was 50 cents. during our break we went and got kandy. umm. i did not have much for dinner, though, until after the show. uh, i think i'll look at the relient k site now. by


Wow! The talent show went great for our first gig! Even though it was cold and we had some technical difficulties, we played great! Everyone loved "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything". We even got an encore and got to play two more songs! I finally got the pictures from our last rehearsal (and the Relient K concert me and Sam went to) on a disc yesterday, so now I'm working of a pictures page. Expect that to come soon, and also I'm working on trying to put "Bucket of Nothing" onto the site. No success yet, but soon! -llama

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the Pictures page is finally finished and looking great! The bad news is that I found out I'm not allowed to put mp3's onto the site unless I wanna upgrade to Angelfire Plus. boo. The only sample song I think we're putting out right now is "Bucket of Nothing", so if you wanna hear it IM me on AIM (Freak4Christ2006), or e-mail me! -llama


hi, it is sam. so the pictures are up. i look like a freak om all of them. i usually look better.but yes, the snaks are delicious.

i must leave

Hello everyone. I'm an idiot. -ll@ma

11-5-o2hi, i'm a bannana flavored platapus!!(and i lied, i always look like a freak[back to my last post])


There are now new and improved Message Boards! I found a host with less pop-up junk! It looks better, too! Well, that's about all that's new right now. -llama


hi, its sam. i am very proud to anounce, that i saved a traffic cone from sheer death, then i made a sandwich. so our next prefotmance we were brutually forced to cancel(o.k, not brutal, or not really forced, but we canceled!).thats to bad.well, nothing much else is really happining, except i will almost ,at all cost, try to get a double bass pedle this weekend!!yah.

from sam with gleefull thoughts of muffins, sam

Hi everyone! I got my very first MxPx CD! "Sam" lent it to my friend, who burnt a copy for me! I'm now the proud owner of a copied MxPx CD! The CD is Pokinatch! and it rawks! Wow! I haven't ended one sentence without an exclamation point! That's really odd..........and cool! Cya guys later! -da llama!

hi, its sam!!

the best thing about 3 day weekends, are 4 day weeks!! yesterday i was skateboarding, jumped off, tripped and died!!ok, i did not die, but i ripped up my nuckles!! also my sholder, but that has nothing to do with odd noises coming from bobs cat!beside that, i prefected my single bass pedle tripple beat!! noboy nose what that means, but bobs cat does. ok . yeah .


Wassup everyone! I finally got the pictures of the Punk-in Patch yesterday! I was also able to put all of them up last night! So if you wanna see them just go to the Pictures page! O, yeah, one more thing............WAL-MART PICTURE DISCS STINK!!!! Go Kodak if you wanna get good pictures on a disc. The Punk-in Patch is proof. Okay, I'm gonna go play with the emus. -llama


hi. i saw kutless last night!! they were spiffy!! i got to play the drummers set!!that was like muffins on riy bread!! i am getting my mullet more mulletized soon!!i will be real!! oh, we got the song bucket o nothing on site now(*in songs!!). ok, thats all!



hey, its sam. nothing much realy going on. ok. by!!


i got this rad sticker today!! it says mullets for america!! is that cool or what? i am doing this lousy report thing.(oh, it 11-15-o2). thats all.


Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting here lately! Well, the Kutless concert at the church rawked! We were right at the front of the stage (in front of the singer), too! If wanna wanna read it in somewhat more detail just read my entry in My Journal! Well, I'm doing worship for Youth Alive this Sunday, and a practice is today.

With Loving Hamsters,
da llama


hi, its sam. big weekend this week. i got my mullet reedon!!it is like, super small, but its a mullet! another excitimg detail, never chug hot sauce. it brings about upset stomaches. my tummy relly hurt. i started another band. right now it is just acordian(minnie size)and acoustic gitar, but we are trying to get a dj(huh?)and a banjo!! woo. we wrote a song about salad!! oh yeah, (haha, i got you all suprised!!)nothing is going on!!


Hello peoples! I got the pictures done, and they fit a lot better on the screen now! They don't take forever to load either! My brother and I rented Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 for the GameCube yesterday. It's a pretty cool game! Okay, that's it for now. later -llama

11-18(i think)-02

hi, its sam. not much going on. i named my mullet manuwell. he is almost two days old! got to run!



hey, peoples. its sam!happy jolly news! we have a probability that we can play our next event!! yippee!!so, nothing much else is happining. manuwell is fine. he really likes to be scratched!!


Wassup. Nothing much going on here! I played on the worship team last night at youth. It was really fun! Uh.....I'm glad we might be able to do the Christmas Party after all! Hope it works out! Well, till then, go sniff a weasal! -d@ ll@m@


hi every body that is bob!!its sam. i had a fine day yesterday, except i had a little scare. i found a mouse in a trash can. this is no ordanary mouse. this mouse was a very extrordanarally large mouse! it was leaping and every thing! freakness!


and a muffin

and a t-shirt

and manuwell


hi, its sam. this weekend will be swell. it is kind of like going on tour, but im no band on tour. this next week i will see 3 concerts. first, the caffines, beuty to ashes, ect ect. the the mentone tones!!skaska!!then zebra head on thanxsgiving!!woo!!pansies!!


Hi. My family had a yard sale today. People wanted to buy the stereo we were using to listen to music. We're still trying to get rid of our old couch that people just won't buy! It's a pretty nifty couch, too! We're gonna see the Newsboys tonight (with opening acts Superchic[k], By the Tree, and Zoegirl....). It's gonna be fun! Well, Zoegirl's gonna be annoying to me cause they have annoying dancers in the backround if you saw that on TBN a while ago (they recorded the fist show of the "Thrive" tour). It's still gonna be fun! adios amegos! -da llama


hey, sorry all veiwers, ijust deleted 1 page of the journal(llama will use wild octopuses to murder me!). sorry. well i went 2 a concert this weekend. it was super!! i missed the mentonetones, but i saw john g, ganosha, beuty to ashes, and the caffiends. QUACK! must run to cheese nips!


its manwells 8 day birthday!!

Hello. It's Da llama. Well, I was gonna use wild octopuses to murder Sam, but after I thought it over for a long time, it would be too hard to clean up the mess and to dispose of the body, so I just re-named this page it used to be. Everything works fine now! Well, I got to play worship at Ed's school this morning. I get to do it tomorrow morning, too! There's gonna be a drum circle at church tonight. That's gonna be really cool since the last one was two years ago. The Newsboys concert was awesome! I'll post a review on My Journal when I get the time. Till then. -da llamA

P.S. Visit the new and improved Message Boards! We need you guys to liven it up a little!

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Pankakes 150 stands for Psalm 150