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Name: Mick Thompson Nickname: "Log" and "Molten Metal God"

Birthday: November 3 1973

Job in band: guitarist

Before he joined the band: His previous job was teaching guitar lessons, which he still does to this day Mask: His old mask is pretty much the same as the new one but the old one had a green tint to it. His newest mask appears to be made of steel but it is actually leather. The best way to describe his mask is an old school hockey mask made evil.

FACT: -If Mick wasn't in SlipKnoT, he says he would be a serial killer and Fred Durst (LIMP BIZKIT) would be his first victim.
-he loves cats
- said to be a night person
- The members of KiTTiE describe Mick as "Evil" and "full of hate". Yet some say he seems to be a nice guy with a since of humor
- Before Slipknot wore coveralls, Mick dressed up as Little Bo Peep
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Custom B.C. Rich Warlock with "H-A-T-E" inlays
Ibanez RG470 (1998-2000, discontinued playing it live)
Rack Head Unit
2 Carvan 4X12 Cabs