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the MuDHippieS
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last update 6-06-04

Welcome! We are the MuDHippieS. We are a very diverse group of individuals with one thing in common. If cave air isn't encountered regularly, fatalities shall occur. But there are ways (besides caving) to get a cave fix, though. Sometimes we are musicians so check out the music link at the top of the page. None of us are mathmeticians, though.

Most of our time is spent caving in southern Indiana, but sometimes we make it to Kentucky or Tennessee. With a bit of luck, as everyone moves around the country, we can all keep in contact via the internet, and this website. For those who are just curious about what a MuDHippiE is, look around, but the description is long and sordid! Cave Safely and Softly!

I took away the message board and chat room because it was a virus laden piece of crap. Do not use for ANYTHING.

Blah Blah Blah Blah ...... feels so good to be alive. Click on the squirrel for Marcy Playground memories.

Don't forget, MP3 came out on the 23rd of March - BUY IT!!! and support Marcy Playground! We were at Walshfest in Canton, Ohio on April 03, it was great!! We also went to QUADStock in Bowling Green, Ohio and it rocked. It seems every show just gets even better!

You should also take a minute to visit the Marcy Playground website.

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This website is designed and maintained by Chris
Email: mudhippies trash Take out the trash first.