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Why Bush Needs To Go To Hell

Lets Send That Little Town in Texas' Village Idiot Back can beat Bush
Anti-Flag Homepage
Fat Wreck Cords
Bush Petition -->Submited by Tucker!


While not many news sources are showing the real and ugly side of war – we will not ignore the constant shipment of flag-covered pine boxes making their way back to the US. These images are starting to seep into our culture and serve as the cold-coffee of reality that this country needs to wake up and realize this war is doing more than costing us billions. People are still dying.

How many lives will it take for Bush to end this war?

1.Projections of a federal budget surplus have been wiped out and replaced by deficit estimates of $455 billion..

2. President Bush has repeatedly made false and misleading statements to the American public on a wide range of issues, from his domestic policies like "No Child Left Behind," to the war in Iraq.

3. The nation's economy is dragging. Almost three million Americans have lost their jobs under the Bush administration. The President is akin to the CEO of the country. He should be held accountable in times of bad performance.
