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Well, this hasen't been updated for a while, so i figured that i would take some time to come back and work on it once again. As you can tell, this is a page for all Matchbox 20 fans to learn more about the band and to get to know some of the other fans. I'm hoping to put some new stuff on my page like links, and anything else that I can think of. So in the meantime, you might as well check out some of the stuff that i have on my page, and see if any of it interests you. I have a link to the gd if you go to the GD user pics link. The GD is a nice little cozy place for all matchbox 20 fans to get together and to talk about their favorite band, or just about ANYTHING that they wanna talk about. Well, That's all for now, hope u like my site!!!
GD User Pics GD User Chat

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