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Staley Tribute photos

Me (Jason) & Travis (on stage) at the Layne Staley Tribute 8/22/02

Second Coming with Mike Starr (backstage at the Showbox 8/22/02)

BarKeep off guard

Me & Nancy dancing the night away!!

Christy, Carl and Eliza

Wendi, Barb, & Janet

Barry & (Kathy?) forgive me I'm awful with names

Jason & Michelle, eh?


We chatted briefly, but I never caught his name..great singer

Son of Jerel, originally from Wisconsin, now in L.A. they flew in for the special honor of performing their specialty...Mad Season Covers

Clay, Son Of Jerel frontman

this pic goes with the next.....

Clay was a wild man..all over the place.
Quite the performer!!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Second Coming
Ultimate Band List