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( Did you know: 99% of Singers smile when they sleep? )

Born on the 26th of July in the year 1985, in Rockford, IL. I started to attempt to sing for Ryan (a.k.a "The Greatest"), and Dan in November of 2000. After three months of playing, practice stopped and the band called "Trixie" disbanded. In November of 2001 the group reconvened its music venture. In August of 2002 Graham left for other projects. Tim joined in September of 2002, and we have been called "Invent the Sky" ever since.

Hobbies include/included: Taekwondo, DND, Sports, YMCA member, music, creative writing

Musical Influences: Dredg, Deftones, Staind, Tool, Rage Against the Machine, Mudvayne, Mozart, Five Point O

Plans: I am attending the University of Whitewater - Wisconsin for a degree in English and History Secondary Education. "Invent the Sky" will continue throughout my collegiate career. We will be known.

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