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版主言:廿三立法後,我們想延續這些音樂的空間將會被封殺。如果你覺得這些音樂的生存空間值得保留,就forward 呢個page 給你的朋友。一起享用自由的可貴!

記得bookmark我地! 如果我地無比人拉,我地一定攪更多良心音樂比大家!

詞:Edmund Leung
唱:Edmund Leung

Far away a battle's raging, in the dark a child is crying
We are trapped in a cell but tehre ain't no prison walls
Free to choose our cloths to wear, free to speak our minds with care,
Ain't it good to be alive??!!???

All around me is bitter faces, worn out souls tormented places,
Safe within my room I turn away from it all,
Hide and seek is the game I play, somehow I am always losing,
Ain't it good to be alive???!!??

Long ago today, I was taught to love,
Share all our lives together for all humanity.
But times go by, the child in us have grown, how this must happen to the best of us.

Turning in to the latest fashion, drown ourselves in pools of passion.
Looking for that one thing tha could save us all
Someone else can do the walking and someone else can do the talking
Ain't it good to be alive??!!??

Long ago today, I was taught to love,
Share all our lives together for all humanity.
But times go by, the child in us have grown, how this must happen to the best of us.

Far away a battle's raging, in the dark a child is crying
We are trapped in a cell but tehre ain't no prison walls
Free to choose our cloths to wear, free to speak our minds with care,

Ain't it good to be alive??!!???

即 刻 聽


七一開始宣告 咪當我地會唔嘈
feel 到 佢會快冇得撈
香港終於知到 團結會另我地自豪
溫生都知到 晏晝會走火 盡快”瀾”返祖國

最怕佢個藐咀死樣 每次見佢講野冇到另我嘔泡
猛叫你我信佢信佢 聽佢老作一定最好 放屁就好
五十萬少數 實會係咁報 識撚計數

改 自 黃 秋 生 的 男 人 四 十 [即刻聽]

即 刻 聽



有意見 ? 想幫手? 電郵我地喇