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Hillsdale High School Instrumental Music

Tana Barnett, Director

SEPTEMBER 25, 2002

I'd like to thank all the parents and students of the Hillsdale Music Department for the warm welcome. The first month at Hillsdale has been oustanding. The orchestra has already advanced in sightreading by two grade levels, the bands have completed the task of preparing for a season of 'sport support' and moved on to focus on concert music, and the jazz band has already performed at its first gig. The students have been truly wonderful: eager to learn and consistently interested in the music, I believe they represent the best of what Hillsdale has to offer.  As we learn and grow together, I know you will see improvement by leaps and bounds. Please take the time to browse the links below and get involved!

            PARENTS                                STUDENTS

                       Music Boosters                                                                          Huh? What did she say?? Reminders

                        Fundraisers                                                                                When is that thing we're supposed to do? Calendar

                        Wish List                                                                                 What are we playing? Weekly Rehearsal Schedule

                        Calendar                                                                                     Forget About It... Downloadable assignments