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                                           Hi my name is Garath Davis (Mave) this is my site which is Devoted to the Dredagh Cult who are devoted to destroy all Canadian’s and also Communists.

To join this Magnificent Cult send your name and e-mail address to You will then receive your first orders in unison to your first e-mail.




Note: Dredagh may engage in mass suicide at any time and if it does you do not have to participate.




              We believe in one God. This God is a Rasta who can fly in two senses of the word.


              Dredagh is one of the world’s best family cults as we have mass murder for all age groups and there is still a small Choking hazard and remember children “Kill Safe”



         If you do not comply with are flying Rastafarian God and you do not kill safe nothing whatsoever will happen.


All rights reserved. Dredaghä is a trademark of Garath Davis.