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A Note for anyone who is wondering:

Since this is considered a class project (but I've been wanting to do this for a while now), this website bears the limitation of a due date, so it is not all that I want it to be. Soon, though, I WILL update this site to its full potential. Please be patient. Thank You

P.S. Sorry about the pesky banner- I'll soon edit my pages to move around the F%$#@ing things.





















This website was created by Gabe Arellano. Eastwood High School Digital Graphics & Computer Animation Classes

Welcome to Guitar Tech.....................


I designed this site so that people who don't know anything or close to anything can learn about guitar instead of having to ask someone and sometimes feeling stupid. Most people would not ask a question to someone who knows from a fear/subfear of being called dumb for asking something they are actually trying to learn. I also posted directions for people that want to change a string, clean up their guitar, or just sound better. I intended to make this site as helpful as it can be.

One thing that people do a lot when it comes to guitar is ask questions, such as how does this work, or what would happen if-. I designed the pictures and "lessons" to help people answer those questions on their own. Hope this site helps you as much as it can.