Miami Valley Flute Circle
My Favorite Web Sites
SunWatch Indian Village
NAFA International Native American Flute Association
Indiana Flute Cirle
Native American Flute Music Site
Douglas Blue Feather Ohio Native American Flute music
Autumn's Child - Mark Holland
Patrick Nielander and Gary Cope
John De Boer (Spirit Of Thunder) Ohio Native American Flute music
Janice Trytten (Sunflower) Native Flutes
Mark Thunderwalker
David Martinka
Sheet music Tablature
Sunwatch Flute Gathering
Billy Crowbeak, Woodpecker Creations
Art Flute Award – Best Carving
Native Flute Award of Excellence

Flute – Eastern cedar. The flute has a hawk end carving and painted to look like a hawk. The flute wrap is made with a centerpiece of copper with a daisy design. The carving and painting are outstanding. The flute has a mellow sound and plenty of volume.

Crowbeak presenting Morning Breeze with a gift flute

A Hug for the youngest flute maker

Breeze playing

Morning Breeze
Native Flute Award of Excellence.
Up and Coming Flute Maker.

John introducing Breeze. Morning Breeze is 12 years old. She made her first flute very recently from African Mohogany. She makes her flutes in the traditional way with bow drill, and sticks to burn the holes. The flute has a beautiful melody and scale with lots of volume.

Leonard McGann, Lone Crow Flutes
Native Flute Award of Excellence
Wood Utilization and Presentation

Lonecrow playing Drone

Leonard likes to work with the natural shape of the wood in making flutes.
Flute – Side blown sub-Base D
Moon, Sun, Stars Inlay. The flute is black walnut with poplar rings. The fetish is a bird made of Brazilian rosewood, birch and maple. The flute has a knot centered on top with grain that looks like a feather. Leonard burned the holes in the traditional way using pieces of stone. The flute has a consistent tone and scale.

David Martinka of Redbelly Flutes
Native Flute Award of Excellence.Flute – Black walnut. The flute has a bird’s beak end to the flute.

Fujara flute from Slovakia played by David Martinka

David Martinka Playing

Harold Darding - Singing Horse
with Snake Flute

Singing Horse and Spirit of Thunder

Singing Horse Playing

Harold Darding - Singing Horse
Flute with the Big Heart Award

Brad Young, 4 Winds Flutes
Native Flute Award of Excellence
Brad is a law enforcement officer with the Augusta County Sheriff’s Department. He works in the Law Enforcement Canine Division with a 4-year old Belgian Malinos named Barry. Barry is a full service police dog and a narcotics detector. Brad uses reclaimed wood from old buildings to make his flutes. He learned to make flutes from Barry Higgens of White Crow Flutes, Leonard McGann of Lone Crow Flutes and Billy Crowbeak of Woodpecker Creations. Brad sees his flute making as “where the heart is.”
Flute – Port orford cedar. The end of the flute is a carved buffalo and the buffalo fetish is one solid block.

Larry Evans, Mockingbird Flutes
Art Flute Award – Best Inlay
Native Flute Award of Excellence
Flute – Colobo and Ebony. The flute is a walking stick with another small flute added to the walking stick. The walking stick is in the key of G and the small flute is a high G. The high G has a turtle head carving with red eyes and a turtle fetish. The turtle fetish on the walking stick and small flute have Paua mother of pearl inlay. Larry counted the number of scales on the turtle shell and used the same number of inlay on the walking stick fetish

Tim Hampton
Art Flute Award
Flute with the Big Heart Award

Flute – Key of C. Redheart fetish is a hummingbird. The hummingbird floats above a flower with the beak sipping nectar. The inlay band at the end of the flute is of crushed turquoise. The flute melody is soft and beautiful

Randy Stenzel, Feather Ridge Flutes
Native Flute Award of Excellence
Flute Voice Award

Flute – Holly and Ebony and Cedar. The flute has long flute wraps, and a beautiful clear voice with lots of volume. The holes are burned the traditional way. The Holly is clean with no knots.

Randy Stenzel Playing

Dave Myers, Ghost Owl Flutes
Native Flute Award of Excellence
Dave has always felt a connection with the owl. “The owl is very mystic and always sees everything.” Dave is an electrician by trade, and uses salvaged wood to make his flutes. He learned flute making from a Mohawk member of his re-enactment group.
Flute – Yellow pine made from a skid pallet. He uses woodburning on his flutes.

Mark Thunderwalker Camden
Native Flute Award of Excellence

Flute – Cherry with a buffalo fetish. The buffalo fetish is made from a dark and light wood of black walnut, cherry, and stain to darken the cherry. Mark’s flute wanted to make the journey to the Flute Gathering. Mark is in touch with the heart of the flute.

Mark Thunderwalker Camden Playing

Chris playing a
Paul Pitt, Coyote Clay Flutes
Art Flute Award

Flute – western cedar. The fetish is a Storyteller with four children seated in front of her. The arms of the Storyteller reach out to hold two of the children; tilt the flute up and the Storyteller looks like a hand. The Storyteller is kneeling. Turning the flute upsde down and looking at the fetish from the mouthpiece gives the outline and look of a wolf. Like the Storyteller, the wolf tells stories to the other wolves in the pack. The flute is in the key of E and has a mellow sound.

Charles Perdu
Art Flute Award – Walking stick flute. It comes apart in the middle and can be played separately. It is made of cedar. Charles also makes other instruments including Digeredoo

Perdu Playing the Flute of Many Colors.

Digeredoes and Native Flute

Jacob Fitch, Laughing Fox Flutes
Native Flute Award of Excellence

Jacob is an up and coming new flute maker. He is an apprentice of Billy “Crowbeak” Faluski.


Sunflower up close and personal

Sunflower with a Big One

Mystic Flutes and Tribal Drums tearing it up

Kamal Patel on Tablas

Patrick Neilander on the Didgeridoo from Australia

Merlin on bells and Djembe

The Twins Jenna and Michelle



Don Crompton (Ray)



Ursula and John


Cindy Mc Donald

Larry Collins

Peg Farmer Praying the Flute

Dave Johnson, J Flutes
Flute with the Big Heart Award.Dave learned to make flutes from a series of books from the Oregon Flute Store and by talking with other flute makers. He is a member of the Miami Valley Flute Circle.
Flute – Birdseye maple. The flute is in the key of G. The grain of the birdseye maple is warm and beautiful.

Dr.David Kreitzer

Mark Holland and a Stack of Flutes
Douglas Bluefeather playing

Spirit of Thunder (John De Boer)and Jr Smith playing

John with a
Brent Haines, Woodsounds Flutes.
Beautiful African Black Ebony, great sound and volume.

From the Heart

Guy Jones speaking for the children from the heart
Douglas Blue Feather, Cherokee heritage, is an award winning songwriter, recording artist, and performer of contemporary Native American flute music. A four time Native American Music Award winner, known as a Nammy, Blue Feather has released seven CDs which have been featured on radio stations world wide.
Autumn's Child once again blends the native American flute with colorful instrumentation including: harp, cello, piano, guitar, percussion and more!
The first half of the album was written with the "global chamber" sound they have made popular and are so well known for. Sensuous melodies balanced with world music grooves.
These arrangements are beautifully orchestrated and well crafted,using the particular instruments with specific purpose and intent that enhances and enriches the compositions.
Music that is accessible and appeals to a variety of ages and all walks of life. CD's
John De Boer has been a professional musician for decades practically all of his life.
A multi-talented composer and entertainer, John has been performing on stage and national television since he was four years old. His music is played from his heart and when you hear his songs you can tell they were born from deep within his soul
John De Boer - Spirit of Thunder
We all have a song inside us it tells us who we are.
John De Boer’s flute music has been heard and loved by people for over 20 yrs on Radio stations, broadcast and cable stations, as sound track music for PBS specials, many video productions, internet and at over 100 live performances a year. He has worked with some of the biggest names in music over 30 million seller gold label artists and is proud to have taught over 20,000 children last year as a Naturalist Teacher.
Janice Trytten (Sunflower) Native Flutes
(Cincinnati, Ohio)
Music genre: Soothing, transporting, meditative quie
Solo Native Flute music played on a large collection of artfully crafted wood and river cane instruments by a skilled, calm-spirited performer. ~ Peace spoken by the flutes
Shilombish is:
PATRICK NIELANDER- playing Native American flutes made by JP Gomez, Hawk LittleJohn, Scott Loomis and Ken Wood. Also playing udu and authentic Australian didjeridoos.
EARL THARP - playing Native American flutes made by JP Gomez, Hawk LittleJohn, Guillermo Martinez, Leonard McGann, Ken Wood and Earl Tharp. Also playing Native American drum.
GARY COPE - playing Native American flutes made by Blue Star Spirit, JP Gomez, Barry Higgins, John Madill, Guillermo Martinez, Coyote Oldman, Tony Richards, Ken Wood, Lee LaCroix, Earl Tharp and Gary Cope. Also playing guitar, piano, bass and an Altai jaw harp.
CAROL HATFIELD - Playing Native American flutes made by Gary Cope, Lee Johnson, Leonard McGann, Tony Richards and Ken Wood. Also playing corn rattle and singing vocalizations.
Singing Horse - Harold Darding
The Miami Valley Flute Circle at the Fraze
Full Circle
John De Boer (Spirit of Thunder)
Mike Simons and Leslie
Harold Darding - Singing Horse
Threw the Harp
Jr Smith
Harold and Rachel
Dave Kreitzer in Europe
Flute Circle at Wright Patterson Air Force Base
INAFA Member