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Echoes from the Past - Play List For Last Show


Broadway Dance Orchestra - Second Hand Rose (1921)

Heidelberg Quartet - Give Me Your Hand (1913)

Irving Kaufman - Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You 1915

Jack Shilkret - Clap Hands Here Comes Charlie (1925)

George Gershwin - Clap Yo Hands (1926)

Van Phillips - I Kiss Your Hand Madame (1929)

Dick Robertson - You're Got In The Palm of Your Hand (1932)

Charlie Higgins - All Poshed Up With My Daisies in My Hand (1933)

Emil Coleman - I'll Be Hard To Handle (1933) V-Harmonians

George Formby - With My Little Ukulele in My Hand (1933)

Gene Krupa - I'm Gonna Clap My Hands (1936) V-Helen Ward

Sweet Peas (Addie Spivey) - Cold In Hand (1937)

Fats Waller - Hold My Hand (1938)

Al Donahue - Clap Hands Clap Hands (1939) V-Paula Kelly

Will Osborne - Would'st Bit I Kiss Thy Hand Oh Babe(1939)V-Doghouse Dale Jones

George Formby - Andy the Handy Man (1942)

Danny Kaye - Groucho Marx - Jane Wyman - Jimmy Durante - How d'Ye Do and Shake Hands

Spike Jones - I Kiss Your Hand, Madame