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Well, I said that I will deliver this, and now here it is. This is the DRC Unknown Entertainment Music Megamix. I have worked on this project for a little over two months, and I can say that the work was well worth it. This megamix features songs and other little soundbites that I have created throughout the past eleven years. This megamix represents an evolution for me. The quality of the clips from the early years are based on their age, but they have been remastered in stereo quality (as best as I could do it). All in all, everything that is heard in this megamix (especially from the later years) shows how much I have grown as a (so-called) musician. For that reason, I am proud to present this to everyone. Here is a listing of what is found in the megamix.


Click here for the DRC Unknown Entertainment Music Megamix!

Note: This file is in MP3 format at 128 K bits per second.

It is about 12 megs, and the megamix lasts for approximately 13 minutes and 20 seconds.



THE MEGAMIX INTRODUCTION – This is a song I created exclusively for the megamix. The most noteworthy sound bite at the beginning would be the little kid saying “1, 2, 3, GO!” at the start of the megamix. That little kid would be me at age 12. Then, a computer-generated voice greets you and tells a bit about the megamix. Soon after, I am heard telling some extra background information. Following that, the computer-generated voice returns and gives you a couple of warnings before my music begins. During this introduction, there is a brief mix of better well-known songs featured.

            A Tribe Called Quest – “Find A Way”

            Shanice – “It’s For You”

            Michael Jackson – “Jam” (Original and Remix Versions)

The last song in the mix provides a perfect transition to the start of my little stuff. This is the beginning…just a keyboard, and a radio with a tape recorder, and me.


RECORDING SESSION (1992) – I think this was done around spring or summer of 1992. I am TRYING to sing Michael Jackson’s song “Jam” and the only thing that’s accompanying me is the beat of a simple Yamaha keyboard that did not belong to me. The little section featured is just a portion of about eight minutes of mess that has been uncovered in the vault. You’re pretty much hearing the best of it, but that’s not much…lol


RECORDING SESSION (1995) – Not as many vocals heard in this piece, but in actually much of the vocals are drowned out thankfully. This is an “original” creation by me and accompanying me is a Kawai 16-Bit Keyboard. This was part of this little thing I did called “The Sonic Jam” which was a little show of songs related to Sonic the Hedgehog and stuff like that. Throughout the whole thing, I was using my keyboard for some songs, and I also used some songs from the Sega Genesis Sonic The Hedgehog games. I was imitating the voices of the characters as in the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon. This full song features me as Sonic and Tails. I would tell you the name of the song, but it’s too embarrassing. Honestly, you can hear me singing at the end of this, but since the actual instruments overpower my voice, you don’t know what words I’m actually singing. That’s actually a good thing.

Well, you’ve heard enough of my singing, and gradually my stuff gets better…I guess.


TORRID ZONE 2000 (1999) – I had a vision to create a dance song with heavy drums and a nice melody. I tried doing it on my Yamaha PSR-79 keyboard at the time, but it did not sound as good as I hoped. So, I did this over months later without much use of the keyboard. Instead, I just snatched a familiar song and rearranged it on tape. The equipment that I used to create this was a Sega Saturn system and a karaoke machine that I got for Christmas of 1998. Turned out…nice? Well, this little arrangement was part of a version I’ve done back in October 1999. Following that is this fast dance beat that I somewhat lifted from another source as well. It was something I liked, and I just rearranged it to fit what I was somewhat looking for.


After that piece, I sort of poke fun at myself about the quality of the first songs. I have short clips of two songs that I’ve done on a very old computer back in 2000. Because the quality could not be improved, I did not want these songs to be fully featured. Along with these clips, I used a clip of someone telling a listener to adjust the stereo speaker levels. That clip came from a radio jingle package actually. I liked it when I first heard it, so it was perfectly suitable for this part of the megamix. Also, at the end of this part is a little ditty called “I’m So Sorry” that I created in 2001. The song has a somber tone with a “ha ha” kind of feel to it. There’s also a sound bite of a crowd going “awwwww” and doing a little booing. The whole point of this transition is to let you know that the better quality stuff is coming.


EXPERIMENTAL COMPOSITION (2001) – This would be the last time that I would totally lift a beat from another source and modify it to make it my own. Yet, this would be the start of using decent computer software to aid me in my creations. The story behind this is sort of silly. Back in 1995, there was a little skit on Sesame Street that was talking about the concept of exit. There was song called “Exit” to go along with it, and it became my favorite Sesame Street skit of all time. I had this on videotape and I had the song recorded on an audiocassette. Weeks after I recorded it on TV, it was mistakenly erased (more like recorded over). A few years after I have it on my cassette, some part of it was erased and then I lost the full tape. So, I tried to create my own version to be as faithful to the original as I could. I never finished it, so the part that you hear is a work in progress. I created this around June of 2001.


THE SPOTLIGHT (2001) – This little song is a favorite of mine. I created it on July 3, 2001. It’s based off something else I’ve heard on television. It’s similar to what I’ve heard, but different enough to stand on its own. Up to this point, it was quite possibly the best thing I’ve created. I do a few little modifications to make a transition between this and the next song in the megamix.


MY UNTITLED COMPOSITION (2002) – It is February 2002 and I wanted to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of DRC Unknown Entertainment. So, I decided to really get back into creating songs. When creating this song, I didn’t have particular expectations for it, so what I created was somewhat a surprise. It was quite decent to me. Within a month, I would expand it into a full song, create lyrics for it, and sing to it. However, it was better as an instrumental. I did create a title for this song later on, but it is better as untitled in my opinion.


BOUNCIN’ (2002) – Only a month after I started creating my first song of the year, I do this short piece. Unlike the previous song, this one was not as good as I wanted it to be. I had time constraints and I was not able to get exactly what I wanted in this song. The end of this song consisted of this beat that was lifted from somewhere else and modified. So, I guess I lied when I said that I ended snatching beats in 2001. Oops.


BEATBOXING SESSION (2002) – I was on Spring Break and I wanted to create something. I was on the computer, and I had an idea in mind. I wanted to do a song of me just beatboxing with a simple melody. So, I had my Yamaha PSR- 79 keyboard with me to create the melody, and I supplied the beat. I had mixed feelings about this over time. At first, I liked it soon after it was created. Then months later I would not care about it. Once I decided to put this into my megamix, it became good to me again. I actually had a different title for this song when I created it, but it’s better if I just called it a beatboxing session.


YOU JUST DON’T KNOW (2002) – Now, this is the first full song that I created and really got into. I created this in May of 2002, but the idea for this song was thought of way back around the end of 2000. As I was creating this song, I was surprised that I got very close to what I was visioning in my mind. In some cases, I did parts that I previously didn’t think of, and they turned out really well. When this song was finished, I listened to it so many times. I made lyrics to this song as well but never laid any vocals on the track. I was (and probably still am) very proud of this composition.


THE BEATBOXING SONG (2002) – I decided to make another beatboxing song in June of 2002, and this is something that I can say that I’m proud of as well. Not only did I have myself beatboxing, but also there was a little record scratching, simple melody, and hard nice drums. The melody I created for the song came from a similar song I tried out last year, but it was not quite like this. It was pretty much work in progress that was never completed. When I decided to go for this again, I wanted a different approach. The beatboxing would be the main appeal to this, and I added the other stuff later. Once this started sounding like a real song, I didn’t think my beatboxing would be enough to carry it, so I added drums. However, I do allow my beatboxing to shine on its own. This is pretty nice stuff. This could be a full song if I wanted it to be.


KNOW THIS (2002) – Hot on the heels of my previous two songs, I started another creation in July 2002. The idea for this song was conceived the year before. I was slow with this song because I didn’t know exactly what I wanted. By October 2002, the song was getting better and better and soon I was finished with it. Like my other songs, I had pride in this one because in some ways it was better than I expected. In truth, I think it could still benefit from a little more polish, but I still really like this one.


ANOTHER UNTITLED SONG (2003) – At the start of 2003, I knew that I wanted to continue making more music. I wanted to follow my “success” of the previous year. So, in January I created a new song, but it is not entirely new. In fact, major parts of this song was lifted from that “Bouncin’” track that I’ve done. I was just experimenting with it. I slowed it down, changed the pitch, and added an extra layer of drums with a new melody. The results were surprisingly good to me. This song is basically experimental, and all things considering, I guess it is good.


CLOUD CONTROL (2003) – This song serves as the conclusion of my megamix. This composition is unfinished at this time, but I figured that since I am working on it, I should include it as well. I first started creating this song at the end of 2002. My approach was to make something very infectious so that you could nod your head to it, clap with it, dance to it, whatever. I had the idea for this song for quite sometime. Like I said before, it’s currently unfinished, but it is coming along decently. Hopefully I can work on it more and make it better.


THE MEGAMIX CONCLUSION – Like the introduction, there is a computer-generated voice concluding this, and you can hear me saying some final words. Once again, I have a little mix of popular songs in this section:

Janet Jackson – “Got ‘Til It’s Gone”

SWV (Sisters With Voices) featuring Michael Jackson – “Right Here (Human Nature Remix)”

However, I throw in a little twist. I insert a creation that I’ve been making on the side. It’s not really much, but I thought it would be a nice last-minute addition to this megamix. So, I decided to put it at the end since it was best suited there. After that, I end the megamix with the same song that started it. However, it sounds and ends a little differently.



Well, I hope that you enjoy this megamix in some way. I was somewhat concerned about presenting this megamix as it was more of a personal project. Yet, I did want to showcase what made DRC Unknown Entertainment what it is in the first place. The music is the foundation for everything, so I wanted to show the best of it. If this goes well, I might introduce full length songs and more creations in the future. Thanks for listening, and I hope everyone enjoys it. Peace out.