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    A second-generation Mountain Dulcimer player, Quintin incorporates a solid foundation in traditional music with dynamic, innovative techniques to create a fresh approach to the instrument. Building upon the divergent influences of Force & d'Ossché and those of his father, Ed Stephens, Quintin embodies a high level of driving energy and technical musical artistry.  But beyond the merely pyroclastic, woven throughout his pieces are melodic refrains which make his music highly approachable. He redefines the dulcimer's unique musical voice in the larger context of  contemporary composition.
   Quintin got an early start on dulcimer at the age of eight and has played and given workshops on the instrument for more than 25 years. Along the way, he also became a Blues/Rock and Slide guitar player, bringing many of the techniques and tricks over from guitar to the dulcimer. Especially recognized for his double-stop and two-handed-tapping techniques, he has no qualms about freely adapting styles to create the music he hears in his head.
   Long-time player, Alan Darveaux, says, -- "Quintin has excelled in creativity and technique.  Quintin has gone far beyond his mentors."

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